Chapter 26- "It's All in the Game"

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*author's note* sorry for lagging on writing chapters. Have been busy with work and school. Thank you to the people who have continued reading through this journey. It really means a lot. <3*

November 23 1961 (Thursday)

     The last few weeks were fine. Bettie and I had many assignments to do before Thanksgiving break. We passed them of course with eachother's help. Johnny has been sleeping over more frequently.  He's almost always here. Im glad Lucy doesn't mind. Too bad she went away for Thanksgiving to be with her daughter and her husband.  I hope i meet them one day.

     Since i had the place to myself, Peanut and I decided to have a movie night. We watched whatever is on tv. I cooked some chicken for him and I ate popcorn.  I suddenly hear someone knock on the door. I get the weird feeling. I get excited and rush to the door. I open to reveal Johnny with a small bouquet and a bag. "Hey doll face!" "Hey baby!" I jump on him and kiss him. "I missed you!"

      He was gone for like 2 days to visit his family. They called him up last week to see if he wanted to catch up. Apparently his mom and dad moved to nevada to retire early. He invited me to go but I didn't want to interrupt. "How did it go?" "It was ok. It was weird seeing them again after a while." "Are you alright?" He kisses my hand. "I am now. Now let me show you how much i missed you. " I smile. He sets his bag down and carries me upstairs. He takes me up to my room where we expressed our affection to each other.

     When we finished we laid in bed together. He plays with my hair,"So what do you wanna do tonight?" "Whats tonight?" "Thanks giving! What do you wanna do?" "Oh my god i forgot! I don't know what to do or who to invite besides you." "Well how about you invite your friend Bettie and her boyfriend Tom?" "Gosh, hopefully they can make it. She's most likely spending time with her family. " He frowns, "thats true. Oh well you and i are pretty much family. "I then feel him tense. "Uh in the sense i spend a lot of time with you,you know?" "Yes Johnny." I kiss him again.

     "So what should i make for dinner?" "Well it would be too last minute to buy a turkey, what about a chicken?" "Sounds good. Ill make some macaroni and cheese  and maybe some bread pudding." "Bread pudding? Maybe i should lock you in." I blush did he really say that? "What?" "Uh nothing, hey write me a list of what you need for the dinner so we can get a head start."  "Aw thank you!" I wrote him the grocery list and sent him on his way.

     Its been a while since Johnny left. I cleaned the house and prepped for tonight. I called Bettie if she's free, turns out she is. Her family gather in Pasadena and she didn't want to go this year because there's conflict in the family.  She didn't tell me what happened but im not gonna pry it out of her. She called Tom and he said he was free. His family went on vacation without him due to school. He says he doesn't mind but if my family left me on a family holiday id be upset.

     At around 5pm i hear the door open. Johnny finally came home with his arms full of stuff. "Honey im home!" I get up to help him. "I missed you." I kissed his cheek. "I missed you more. Sorry for taking so long, the line was long." "It's ok. Help me will you?" We set the stuff on the counter and got started.

     After a few hours, we finished everything.  I told Bettie and Tom to come at 8. It is 7:30 right now so it gave me time to freshen up. I threw on a navy blue dress with a boatneck neck line, my hair styled back, and red heels. I put on some red lipstick and went back downstairs. I come down and see Johnny holding flowers.
"What is this?" "Nothing i just got you some flowers." "Thank you, theyre beautiful." "Not as much as you." He leans in for a kiss but we get rudly interrupted by the door.

    " I should get that." I open the door and grow cold. "Evenin Marina." It was James freaking Miller. "What are you doing here?" He steps in. "Tom invited me. Family remember?" He smirked. Of course they're freaking cousins i forgot. "I brought you something. " He grabs something from the porch. It was a bouquet of white peonies. "Thank you.  Theyre, beautiful. " "What the hell are you doing here?" Johnny says behind me. Last we saw James it was at his cabin in the woods, beating the crap out of him. "Tom invited me. Something about a dinner?" "Right come in."

     Johnny pulls me to the side, "Marina, if you dont want him here tell me so i can kick him out." "It's fine really." I walk up to James. "Please have a seat." He hands me the flowers. "These are for you. I know it isn't much but i am sorry about the way i treated you. I really do care about you." He holds my hand in his. "Thanks. Ill go put these in water."

     I hear a knock on the door and Johnny goes to open it. While Johnny steps away, James comes up to me. "We need to talk." "About what?" "Us." He gets close filling the space between us. "I know i treated you bad but i will do anything to make it up to you." He grabs my chin and leans forward. I push him away. "Im with Johnny. Sorry but it's not happening. " "Johnny? Seriously?" "Yes, now if we're going to have a problem i suggest you leave now." "Marina he's not the man you think he is?" "What are you talking about?" I hear a commotion in the living room. James smirks before heading out to see what was going on.

     You got to be fucking kidding me. Monica fucking Addams. "What the hell are you doing here?" I turn to Johnny he looks as mad as i do. James steps forward.  "I invited her. She has some big news!" I turn to face her and she looks smug as hell. She turns to face Johnny. "Do you want to tell her or should i?" "Get the hell out of here Monica, you're lying!" "Is that how you're going to treat me?" "Is someone going to tell me what the hell is going on?" Monica walks up to me. "The tuekey isn't the only thing in the oven today." I feel like i got punched in the gut. "What?" Johnny grabs me. "Rina baby, don't believe her,i haven't even been with her!" I took a moment and thought, he's lying to me. "Johnny, the night of the party. I saw you!" "Cmon, you're gonna believe her over me?" "I saw you two at the pier. Did you or did you not use protection?" He stayed quiet.  "Oh my god! So it's possible?"

     Bettie and Tom walk in just in time. "Hey Marina! I made pie!" Bettie looks around. "Did we, miss something?" "No not at all please take your seats. Everyone." Everyone followed me into the dining area and took their seats. Tom and Bettie across from eachother,  Johnny and i next to eachother,and James across me while Monica is across Johnny. We all ate in silence until Tom pipes up. "Gee Marina everything is delicious!" "Thank you Tom." Monica coughs, "I've had better." "Then go get it." She smirks. "Hey Marina you want the rest of my plate,you know, since you enjoy my leftovers so much." She looks at Johnny licking her fingers. "Yknow what Mon, i will take your plate, you're so full of yourself, no need to over do it." She scoffs and stays quiet finally.

     The dinner was so uncomfortable. Bettie and Tom are helping wash dishes while i don't know what everyone else is doing. I went outside to smoke a cigarette.  If only my parents saw me now. They'd have a cow. Dating a man who may or may not be a dad. Timing.

     I hear the door open, still taking drags. "Can i sit." James asks standing next to me. "I don't care." "Marina im sorry. I told you Johnny isn't who he says he is." "How do we know if it's even his? Or if she even is pregnant?" "You don't believe her?" i took a long drag. "Won't believe it till that kid comes out rumblin with a pompadour." "Rina, you gotta be stupid to stay with him! How would that make you look? Dating a father?" I laughed. "Ask me again in nine months when this 'baby' is born." He scoffs. "Well if you change your mind, ill be there." He takes my cigarette and takes a drag. He then turns to me and leans in. I pull back.

     Before anything happened, Johnny is at the door with Monica. She looks upset. She walks up towards James. She whispers something to him but i couldn't quite hear. "We'll be on our way." James grabs my hand and kisses it. "Ill stay in touch."Monica kisses Johnny, "ill see you later daddy." She winked at him and left. I watch as they leave together. Bettie comes up to me with Tom following behind. "Hey Rina,we're gonna head out. Thank you so much for the lovely dinner." She gives me a hug and whispers in my ear, "we'll catch up later. I have theories." I smile at her. "Thank you for coming. Ill see you at school." They head out as i see them off.

     Johnny and i went inside and finished cleaning. I got ready to go to bed. Johnny is standing at my doorway. "Are we not gonna talk about it?" I shake my head. "Come to bed. We'll talk about it tomorrow. " "Are you sure?" "Im sure Garcia. Today is a day about being with the ones you care about. Let's hold onto that." He sits on the bed with me. "What if, its true?" I sigh. "We'll talk tomorrow ok? Let's just go to bed." He sighs and kicks off his shoes to join me. He cuddles me. "We're gonna get through this Rina i promise. " The feeling came. "I know. Good night Garcia." He kisses me. "Good night Hernandez."

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