chapter 10- "Poor Little Fool"

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August 26th 1961 (saturday)

I woke up the next day feeling ecstatic. I haven't been so happy in my life. Im just glad that wasnt a dream because wow! I wonder when i will see him again.

I went down stairs to get breakfast and was greated by Lucy. She runs up to me and gives me a hug, "Marina! Where on Earth have you been! Ive been worried sick!" "I met someone Lucy!" I said smiling. "Thats why im worried. Marina come sit with me." "Whats going on?" "Marina,Bettie told me you were out with that hooligan." I was a bit confused. "Do you mean Johnny?" "Yes!" "Well what do you know about him?" "Well, hes in a gang, i think he has a record, and as far as i know, he has a girlfriend." My heart sank. I didnt care that he was in a gang or has a record thats his business and theres a reason why he wouldnt bring that up, but a girlfriend? Wow. I guess it was too good to be true. "How are you feeling?" "You know, not so good. I just had the best night of my life and it turns out it was too good to be true. It was all fake." "Oh honey. Are you ok?" "Yeah im ok. Ima just go upstairs and lay in bed." "Do you need anything?" "No thank you."

I went upstairs and layed in bed. I cant believe he has a girlfriend. The nerve of that guy. And to think he actually likes me. Wow,all guys are the same. I layed in bed and went back to sleep. What was i going to do? Call him? Text him? I cant! I dont even have his number! And texting isnt a thing for another 40 years! UGH! Boys are stupid.

August 28th 1961 (Monday)

The weekend is finally over. I spent it in bed dreading facing anyone. What if word got out that i went out with Johnny? What will people think of me? Going out with someone who is spoken for,ugh! Time to get ready to face the world.

I got out of bed and got ready for school. I decided to wear a plaid dress with a red ribbon tying my hair in a ponytail. I grab my bag and headed downstairs. "Good morning Marina, would you like some coffee? "Good morning Lucy, coffee sounds swell, thank you." After i drank my coffee, we headed off to school. We didnt talk much since she knew how i was feeling. She was giving me space. She knew me.

When i arrived, all eyes were on me. Oh boy. The pointing and whispering started. I sighed and walked towards Bettie. I was stopped by a group of girls. "Oh my good Marina! You are such a loose cannon! No wonder Dallas didnt want you! Who's it going to be next? The rest of the football team? The season isnt over yet! Plenty of time to be a tramp!" Her and her group bursted into laughter. "Oh wow. I didnt know a little sqaure like you knew such language. Youre parents must be proud."

Thats when everyone started turning their attention to us. "Oh yeah? At least i dont run away from my problems!" She laughed, but this time by herself. "Listen here little miss perfect, you dont know me, like at all so might i suggest you keep to yourself or you and i WILL have a problem. You understand?" She looked me up and down, "So what, just because you made it with a grease you think youre all that? Pathetic. You arent special. He has a  chick. You were just the flavor of the week." I pushed her to the ground, she was about to get up but i pushed her down again,"i suggest you stay where you are before i ruin your do." She almost cried. Everyone was staring. I walked towards Bettie. "Marina? Are you ok?" "Yeah im fine. Lets just get to class. I want this day over with."

During classes, i told Bettie how the date went. I also told her what Lucy told me. "Oh my! Im sorry to hear that Marina. I had no idea. I didn't know they were still together." "What do you mean?" "Well i havent really heard much about him in two years since he went here, but he was dating this girl, Monica towards the end of senior year. Girls were lined up to be with him but she had his attention for some reason." "What do you mean by that?" "Well, between you and i ,she was a tramp. She was dating around behind Johnny's back, she even dated someone on the football team causing a rumble. Greasers arent supposed to date a football players gal and vise versa. greasers also have a rule about dating another greasers gal." I cant believe it. Its crazy that they fought over a girl." "I know right! Shes just a pretty face but once you get to know her, shes terrible."

I thought about if Johnny is dating this girl or another girl. I wouldnt be surprised, he seems like a lady killer and whats not to like, hes litterally tall dark and handsome. Any girl would be lucky to be with him. Well not really because he was with my Friday while he has this girl. I hate guys sometimes.

Throughout the day many people kept there whispering and pointing to their selves ever since the "me pushing someone down situation". She had what was coming being all up in my face, how rude of her. But then again i did push her. At least i have some peace and quiet.

It was the end of the school day. I walked up to the office to meet up with Lucy," Hey Marina? Ready to go?" "Yeah, hey on the way home can we get food from the diner?" "Sure! Lets go before it starts getting full!" We walked out and towards the car heading to the diner.

When we arrived at the diner. I stood in line while Lucy went to the post office to send stuff to her husband and her daughter. I ordered two burgers, two sides of fries, and two sodas-I mean pops.

As i waited outside for my order i heard someone talking to me, "Did you move on that quick?" I turned around and saw him. I felt cold. It was Johnny. He was leaning against the building taking a drag of his cigarette. "What do you mean?" He got close,"oh come on two orders of everything, you looking the way you are." He took another drag and flicked his cigarette. "Well, who is he?" I looked him up and down in distgust. I cant help myself, "answer me this ,whos Monica." He looked like he just saw a ghost. "Marina-" he was cut off by my food being called. "Sorry got to go, dont want my date waiting up for me, just like how Monica was probably waiting for you friday?" He stayed quiet. He looked mad. I grabbed my food and left before he couldve said anything else. So Monica is a real person. Obviously was someone important or something the way he reacted. What a jerk!

When Lucy came to pick me up,i told her what happened. She didnt seem surprised but was still upset because she saw how i was. I was upset. Everything was true and i fell for it. We got home and talked about how boys are dogs and how no one deserved me. We ate our food and talked about life. Im so lucky to have her in my life. Shes a huge mother figure. I wouldnt trade her for the world.

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