chapter 21- "Perhaps"

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November 1st 1961 (Wednesday)

     Spending the weekend with James was amazing, i really needed to get away from the madness that is Johnny.  We spent all of Sunday morning in bed and the after noon taking a nature walk. We didn't do much for Halloween.  We went to the drive in to catch a double feature of the invisible man and the wolfman.

     Today, i finally caught up with  Bettie about what happened at the party. I did leave out James and his ring. I left out James entirely.  I dont want anyone knowing because i know there are ears everywhere. She tells me how much she loves Tom and i tell her that i love how happy she is. "Hey you left your camera at the party! I sent the film in to get it developed, i really want to see how we came out!" "Oh great! We can go after school to pick them up!" "Sounds swell! I'll see you then!" She walks to her class and i stay at my locker. I admire my new ring.  It's silver with a small blue stone in the middle. It's beautiful. 

     I met with Bettie after class to go to the photo place.  We arrived and received our pictures instantly. Bettie was so happy with how her pictures came out. I then look at mine and didn't realize i only took two photos and both were with Johnny.  I get upset.  "Oh Marina I'm sorry! I should've taken more of you!" "It's ok. A memory is still something worth remembering.  "

     I then hear a voice behind me, "i bet we came out good together. " its Johnny, shocker. "Hey doll face. " He grabs my hand to kiss it but he saw something he didn't like. "Where the hell did you get this?" I turn to Bettie, "hey can you give us a moment?"  She's hesitant at first, "alright, ill be at the ice-cream parlor." She walks out. 

     Johnny and i step outside.  "What the hell are you doing with James Miller's ring?" "who are you my mother? what are you following me?" " i was walking by and saw you through the window. Now, why the hell is this on you your hand?" He tightened my hand. "Ow! Johnny you're hurting me! Again!" "Tell me, howd you get the ring?" i scream. "Ugh! James gave it to me!" he let go of my hand, "Your pinned? He pinned you?" i just look down. A tear rolls down my cheek. "Oh Marina im so sorry for hurting y-" before he could finish i struck him across the face. "Leave me alone!" i ripped our picture in half and threw it at him. i ran out the store to the parlor with Bettie. 
  "Hey Marina! Are you alright?" "No im not alright! Jonny grabbed me again!" "Oh my goodness are you alright? why?" i took a deep breathe. "Bettie i have to tell you something." "Marina you can tell me anything!" "James and I. are well." i showed her my ring. she lights up, "Oh my goodness! He pinned you!" i nodded. "Oh my ! Congratulations!" she pulls me into a hug. "James is a great guy! He's what any girl would want and more." "Yeah. He's great. can we order something? i just want to drown in Rocky Road after what i had to deal with Johnny." "Of course Rina! My treat!" we grabbed our scoops and walked home.

     I was greeted by Lucy when i arrived home. "Hey Marina! How was your day?" "Oh it was alright, school was boring and i ran into Johnny while i was with Bettie." "Oh no honey are you ok?" "I'll live." "Well i know something that'll cheer you up!" She walks into the kitchen and smiles. I follow behind her. "I made you some beef stew, mashed potatoes, and i bought some pop so we can enjoy! Oh and these!" She handed me flowers, "Flowers? You got me flowers?" "No silly,he did!" She points behind me and i turn around and James is standing there. "Hey Rina." I went up and greeted him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Marina i hope its ok i invited Mr. Miller to join us for supper." "No not at all thank you Lucy. "

     We sat at the table together. "So, James, how are you treating my Marina?" I smile. Lucy really loves me like a daughter.  "probably better than others." He grabs my hand and kisses it. The same hand Johnny kissed earlier, the same one he grabbed. We finish up dinner. James is washing dishes while Lucy went to bed and i sit at the table. There was then a knock at the door. I get up and answer. Oh god why? Johnny.

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