Chapter 24- "That's Amore"

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November 3, 1961 (Friday)

I woke up feeling refreshed. Never in my life can i remember sleeping so soundly. I feel Johnny's arms still wrapped around me. I can't shake the feeling that A, things are falling perfectly in place for me and B, Johnny is hiding something.  Like how is he funding this place? I was told he had a history but what is it? Drug dealing? Is he in the mob? The CIA? Gosh i got to just enjoy this. Who knows how long ill be here for. Can't be forever right?

     Johnny then wakes up. "Good morning doll face, whats got you up this early?" "Nothing,just a morning person. " He pecks my lips, "Mmm, well five more minutes. " He buries his head in my neck. I played with my necklace while thinking of the whole situation.  Suddenly Johnny pulls my hand away. "You better not be thinking of taking that off!" I was kind of surprised, " Of course not! Was just playing with it." "Ok good,i don't know what I'd so without you. Or what would happen if you did take it off. Would you blink out of my existence? Fade away?" "I have no clue. Let's not think of that." "Good idea." He pulls me into a kiss.

     We spent the whole day in bed. All he wanted was to get to know me which i hated because i didn't want to talk about my life. Its a vulnerable feeling knowing someone knows all of you just to leave you or use it against you.

     "Fine, lets start small. What's your favorite color? Favorite food? Do you have siblings?" "Well i like red and orange,  i love pizza, and no it's just me, what about you?" "I like blue and red,i love pizza too and hoagies, and it's just me too." "Do you live with your parents or by yourself?" He stayed quiet for a bit. Did he have to think about it? "I live alone." "What about you're parents?" "What about them?" "Well where are they?" He stayed quiet but them spoke again.  "They left me after i graduated. Said i can fend for myself.  They left some money and the house and retired early who knows where." "You haven't heard from them?" "Nope." I thought to myself,that makes sense about the money depending how much they left.

     "Where do you live?" He look at me. "Well, you remember that house from the Halloween party, in Angelino Heights?" I sat up. "That was your house?" "Yeah. I don't tell people because i don't want them thinking i was one of those rich kids cus im not. I work for what i want,it isn't just handed to me. When i throw parties, i invite enough people to not question whos party it is. "Wow. I didnt think i could love you more." "Why cus of where i live?" He asks sarcastically.  "Well duh maybe we should marry now and i inherit it later?" We laugh.  "Yknow if you were anyone else id believe you. I think Monica tried pulling that crap on me. Wanting me for the money she thought I had."

     Hm Monica.  I think i should open up that chapter. "What did you see in Monica?" "What?" "Yknow what did you see in her?" "You're not gonna like the answer." "I know,go on." He sighs.  "She was easy. Whenever i wanted her shed be there." "She really jumped on you the night we broke up." "Yeah, i was really drunk and heartbroken." "Im really sorry for that Johnny. I really am." He holds my hand. "I know, you did what you had to. I know how manipulative she can be. Water under the bridge. "He kisses my nose.

     "So, is there other chicks i should worry about?" "No. I didnt really have relationships just Monica i guess and now you. The occasional fling but those days are behind me since i met you." "Geez Garcia, you really gone soft. What happened to the leader of the gang who got in rumbles,  who had problems with police or probably worse and was a lady killer?" He sits up. "Maybe i met the gal of my dreams. Tends to soften up a man." I smile and kiss him. He kisses back tenderly. The feeling was back and it felt intense.

     "Hey can i ask you something?" He looked a bit worried. "Yeah what is it Rina?" "I know this is way soon but, do you believe in soul mates or something?" "Honestly no,until yknow meeting you." "Really?" "Yeah,being with you just makes me feel at peace. I feel like i can breathe if that makes sense." My heart fluttered and the feeling was back. "Johnny, when im around do you ever get a wierd feeling like a gut feeling or butterflies?" He looks at me confused.  "Yeah actually.  I do. Why? How would you know that?" I pulled him into a deep kiss. He wraps his arms around me. I crawl on his lap deepening the connection.

     He pulls away. "Marina what's going on not that i don't enjoy this. " Johnny,  i have the weird feeling too. Only when im with you." "What does that mean?" "I think, I think we're meant for eachother.  I know it sounds cheesy but i never had this feeling with James. The only time i felt like this was when i first traveled here. What if i was meant to meet you? Be with you?" "Oh Marina-" "Im sorry i know i sound ridiculous and crazy im sorry ill stop." "No. I think that too. Ever since i met you its like a switch in me flipped. All i want is to be good enough for you. I had to be with you."

     "What do you think all this means?" "You tell me? Why do you think you were dropped off here in 1961? Does it have any meaning to you?" " no just that i thought it was a simpler time. Love would be easier and life would be better.  Oh my god did i dream this place am i dreaming?" "Well considering the shiner James gave you,this is all real. So you wanted to be here?" "I guess so. I didn't really have a specific timeline, really any where between 1940 and 1970." He holds my hands. "I hate to sound cheesy but im pretty sure we were meant to be with eachother." The feeling was back. "Rina do you feel that?" I nod and smile.

      I pull him in and kiss him deeply. I start to pull off my night gown only revealing my underwear. "Rina what are you doing?" He says smiling. "Following my heart." He smiles. He flips me over. He gets up and undresses and i do the same. He lays back on me. "Are you sure?" I nod. He kissed me all over. We made love the rest of the day. The feeling was intense and played a big part in our little tango. It was as if we were one. Our souls bonded. Everything was perfect. Unlike James, Johnny really loves me, cares for me. We are meant for eachother,nothings going to ruin it. We won't let it.

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