Chapter 16-" Step by Step"

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September 17 1961

     I woke up but felt empty. No smell of pine tree,no warmth. I turned around and Johnny was gone. I looked at the time, 8am. I saw a note next to the clock. "Good mornin sleeping beauty.  Woke up before Lucy could see me. Last night was amazing. Went to take care of some things. Ill see you soon. -JGOk great. I thought he ditched me. I wonder if Lucy is still asleep. I tidied up my bedroom and got ready to take a shower. Im thinking today i wear a black sweater and black capris.

     After i showered i did my hair and makeup i went downstairs to the kitchen. I greeted Peanut and met Lucy. "Good morning Lucy!" "Good morning Marina, coffee?" "Oh yes please!" "She served me a cup of coffee and scrambled eggs with bacon and toast. "Gee it all smells so good thank you!" "No problem! Oh,before i forget, this is for you." She handed me a box. "What is it?" "Im not sure,it was sitting on the porch this morning when i went to get the paper. I opened it and inside was an orange scarf and a silver charm bracelet from a boutique in santa monica.  The bracelet had a dark silver heart on it. A note was inside. "The scarf to bring out your love of fall and to bring out your eyes. The bracelet to match your necklace. -JG"

     "whos it from?" Asked Lucy. "A friend." "Wow,some friend. Must be a special fella." "Its nothing Lucy. Really." "Marina,its ok! I was your age before. I know how it is. Heck! Before my husband i was showered with gifts from many suitors. " we laughed. "The gifts from Johnny. Long story." "I bet. If you trust him so do i. I know your heart means well." I blushed. 

     Suddenly a knock on the door. I got up to get it. When i opened the door i was greeted by James. "James!" "Morning Marina. Can we talk?" "Uh sure." We stepped out onto the porch. "You alright?" He took a deep sigh. Crap he knows. "I know about Johnny." James im so sorry." He grabs my hand.  "Dont be sorry. No hard feelings really. We've been going for less than a day. You're great and anyone is lucky to have you. At least im able to say we were together." "So you're not mad?" "Of course not, as long as we could still be friends im ok." "Yeah that sounds good." He smiles and pulls me into a hug.

     "Hey how did you know about Johnny?" He pulls away. "Johnny came over this morning saying how sorry he is about wanting to steal you away from me and that he was falling for you and didnt want to ruin our friendship and-" "he said hes falling for me? James smiles. "Look whos blushin and all. I see him diggin you." "Dont make me dream." We laugh. "Anyway ill see you Marina,take care and dont forget me." "See ya James,wouldnt think of it." He pulls me into a big hug and kisses my forehead.

     I walked back inside with Lucy. "What was that about?" "Im a single gal." "Oh honey im so sorry." "No its ok. It wasnt serious." "Alright,let me know if you need anything. Im going to head out soon to run some errands, ill see you at dinner time, im making meat loaf!" "Sounds great!bye Lucy!" She waved and headed out the door.

     I took a look at the gift Johnny gave me. It was sweet. I decided to put them on. Gee i have nothing to do today. I decided to take Peanut on a walk to the park.

     The parks leaves were changing colors into a beautiful redish color. The cool breeze was refreshing hitting my skin.  I sat on a bench near a pond to rest and take in the ombiamnce.

       "Hey beautiful." I turned to face Johnny. He looked handsome as always in a plain black shirt, dark jeans and a leather jacket. He sat with me. "I see you got my gifts." "Yes thank you! It was very thoughtful of you." "This? This is nothing. Hey i have news." "What is it?" "I told off Monica. I told her its over and if she wants to tell on me to her daddy to have proof. She got mad at me of course,  slapped me and then she left." I was in awe.  He actually did it. "So what does that mean?" "Well, i was hoping it means i get to take you out on a proper date. What doya say?"  "Yes id like that very much."

     "So when do you want to have that date?" "Well today id have to be home by 6. Lucy's making dinner." "Alright hows about we go to the beach for a bit? Ill take you home to drop off your dog." "Yes lets do it!"

     He drove me home,"ill be back itll only take a minute!" "Hurry back." I ran inside with Peanut. I fed him and ran upstairs to grab some stuff. I got my bag and stuffed it with a camera, some sun glasses, and a towel. I changed my shoes into sandals and headed out. I left a note to Lucy telling her i went to the beach and will be back at 6.

     I ran out and hopped back in the car. We drove to santa monica. When we parked the car,i grabbed my stuff while he got his stuff from the trunk. He held my hand while we walked on the warm sand. I laid my towel down and we sat. He pulled out something from his bag. A single red rose. "For you." "Thank you." He also took out some wine and 2 glasses. "Wine? Whats the occasion?" He smiled, "well our first date of course." "Well cheers." We clinked the glasses and drank while over looking the ocean.
     Looking into the ocean it thought about Johnny. Hes being really sweet to me. Its almost alarming. Things just played out the way i wanted them to. Was it a coincidence or was this meant to be? Do i belong here?

      "Rina?" I snapped out of it. "Sorry i was thinking." "Whats on your mind?" "Home." "Oh. Do you miss it?" "Yeah a little. Im thinking, all this,you, Lucy, Bettie, its all too good to be true. At some point i have to go back." "Go back,why would you go back?" "Its complicated Johnny. I dont belong here." "Marina." He grabs my hands. "There is nowhere else you need to be,than here. You belong here." He cups my face and kisses me. He pulls away, " if you left your home,why would you want to go back? Why dont you belong?" "Well talk about this another time,can you take me home? Its almost dinner time." "Of course,let's go.

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