chapter 7- 'The Twist"

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August 21st 1961 (Monday)

It is now monday. Nothing much happened yesturday. After the date or whatever on Saturday with Dallas, i stayed home the next day with Lucy watching television,doing house chores,and played with Peanut. It really got my mind off the situation.

I got up from bed and began getting ready. I wore a light green dress and wore my hair half up half down. Lucy and i ate breakfast and headed off to school together. "Now remember,if Dallas causes you trouble,we can get him suspended faster than you can say his name." We both laughed. "Thanks Lucy but i think i can handle myself."

We arrived at the school. I walked out the car and headed inside. When i walked in,all eyes were on me. Weird. I say Bettie by her locker and walked up to her. I walked passed a group of snobby girls whispering and laughing looking in my direction. Was my dress not good enough for them or something? "Hey Bettie!" She looked at me frightened. "Marina hi. I didn't see you there." "Yeah i just got here. You ok? It looks like you've seen a ghost or somethin?" "Well everyones saying-" she couldnt finish her sentence because the bell interrupted her. "Come in Bettie lets get to class,im sure it can wait till lunch." "I dont think so." "What do you mean?"

We were suddenly cut off my a group of girls. "Hey Marina! Is it true about you and Dallas?" "What are you talking about?" "How you,yknow,went down town." The group of girls laughed. "I mean we cruised around if thats what you mean?" "Is that what a floozy like you would call it?" The girls laughed again. "Dallas told everyone what you two did. I mean im not surprised, you look like the desperate type." "What exactly did i do?" "Well he said you were pulling him and grabbing him and kissing him all over and that one thing led to another." Thats where i got pissed. "Listen here you stuck up snob,im sure he left out the part where he forced himself on me and i pushed him away. Yeah we kissed twice but that was it not that it's any of your business, both times he started by the way so if you're going to go around shaming me for something i didn't do,get your information right and know whos telling the story because last i check he has a reputation big enough for the both of us. Because its just that. A story. Now if you excuse me,i have something to take care of." Bettie then stops me,"Hey are you ok? Im sorry i didn't tell you sooner." "Its ok. It isn't your fault. Did you believe the rumors?" "Not really, i dont see you as the type to do something like that yknow?" "Yeah,hey ill meet you in class in a bit,i have to talk to Dallas." "Ok be careful hes a dirty dog!" "Will do."

As the halls began to empty,i saw Dallas and his team standing near the water fountain. His friends looked me up and down as if i was a burger or something. "Hey look who it is,Ms nice and easy." His friend exclaimed. "Hmph,im not nice or easy to step back will ya." The all had there hands in the air and stepped back jokingly. "Whats up good lookin?" Dallas asked me while wrapping his arms around me. "Get off me!" "Look boys shes playing hard to get!" His friends laugh. "Oh im not playing,i am hard to get." All the boys laugh. "So youre saying that we didnt kiss?" He got close to me. "Im not denying the kisses we shared,i am denying everything else youre lying about. Although you did leave out the part where you came on to me and i pushed you off." He gave me a straight face. "Hey its not my fault youre easy, you were asking for it." "Really? How bout i tell the couch what your saying about me?" His friend and him laughed. "You really think he'll care? Face it sweet face,we run this school." "Ok. If that's how you wanna play i understand. Just know im a better player" they all laughed again.

I walked into the art room. Luckily it was empty. I looked around for supplies. I found some paints,spray paints specifically. I grabbed some paints and went into the parking lot. I had to be creative but not so bad that i get expelled or arrested. I approached Dallas' car. I got the paint ready and began my art work.After i finished i returned the supplies. Good thing my next class is art. Bad thing is that i misssd English. I hope its worth it.

The school day roles by pretty quick. I run out my 6th period to the parking lot to see the damage unfold. There were already a good amount of people looking at his car. They were laughing and pointing. Thats when i hear Dallas screams," What the hell happened? MARINA!" Everyone turned to look at me. "Get over here!" As i walked over, a girl stops me,"Is it true?" "I smile at her and kept walking.

Dallas looked at me with rage in his eyes. "Did you do this?!" "Who else would say you had a small hot dog? Unless you and your team mates are closer than i thought." I looked over at my masterpiece. The beautiful big red letters saying "Dallas has a little hotdog" across the window in acrylic paint because i know aceylic washes off after a few washes. I laughed. He then grabs me,"you think this is funny?!" "Calm down Dal,we're just playing a game here." He lifted his hand as if he was going to strike me. "Stop right there young man!" It was the principal. "Were you about to strike Ms Hernandez?" Lucy was behind him smiling. Bettie was with Lucy. "She vandilized my car!" "Mr. Williams." The principal went up to Dallas' car. He liked his finger and wiped the paint off. "It washes off."

Dallas was stunned. That idiot never took up art apparently. "But she-it's still vandilism!" "Mr. Williams. That paint washes off. The emotional scar you almost left on this poor young lady lasts a life time." "It's true. I dont think I can recover from him trying to force himself on me." I began to cry. "Mr.Williams! Is this true?!" Dallas was scared. "She was asking me to!" "Does it look like she wanted that?" They both look over at me and see me upset. "No." Dallas said defeatedly. "Mr. Williams i have no choice but to bench you for the rest of this season. Im sorry but you brought this on yourself." "Dont be sorry,he was asking for it." Dallas shoots up and looks at me giving him a smirk. I swear i saw smoke come out of ears. He knew he was defeated. "Alright everybody go home theres nothing to see here!" The pricipal shooed away everyone from the parking lot leaving Lucy, Bettie,Dallas, and I behind.

"I win." I whispered in his ear. "Youre going to be sorry!" "Believe me i already am." "Really?" He was shocked. "Well yeah,going out with you was my first mistake. Don't worry ill get over it." I then walked away towards Lucy and Bettie. "Honey are you ok?" Lucy hugs me. "Yes im ok. I was kind of hoping he would steike me. He would've been expelled for sure!" "Marina that was risky of you." Bettie said worriedly. "I know. But i had to do something or else he would have done it to someone else or worse." "Marina, you were brave. Not many people stand up to him or anyone on the football team. " "Yeah well im not many people. "Well,since Dallas is off the team or at least benched,do you want to go watch the game with me this friday?" Bettie said with light in her eyes. "Bettie id want nothing more!" She then hugs me, "Great! Its going to be so much fun!"

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