Chapter 4 (Edited)

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Josephine Langford

As soon we are alone in the hotel corridor. I  begin but before I can say anything he cut me off like always.

Bloody bastard...

"Josephine please listen to me, I can explain.."
However, I didn't let him. Before he could complete his sentence. I raise my hand to stop him and spoke in a rude tone, even though it's killing me talking with him like that.

"It's my turn. First, I get that she is your girlfriend and I understand, why would you want me rather than her, I mean look at her." I spoke in an obvious tone and point my hand towards the hotel room, which is close and I can tell she hearing everything.

"She is slim, beautiful, model and all. You both have similar topics to talk then why would you want someone like me fat, ugly, boring and a gynecologist, who don't understand anything about modelling? I get it Hero. You can go. It's just...I didn't thought that...that you would be the person...who will betray me. Not even my worst nightmare."

Tears are rolling down from my cheeks. He tried to wipe them but I stopped him. I don't want him to touch me anymore. No matter how much I love him. He lost it.

I took a deep breath and commenced again.
"Anyway, I came here to inform you, since you're to busy to return any of our calls, that your brother Titan and my sister Katherine are getting married after one month and they want you to come. Of course... he would want that..since you are his brother. So, please remove time from your busy schedule and attend the wedding and don't tell them anything about this. I don't want to ruin their wedding day."

He just nod his head in approval.
"And please bring your girlfriend I will be so happy to meet her again."
I turn to left but he stop me by grabing my elbow and I flinch away.

Hero Finneas Tiffin

She turn around to leave but hold her elbow to stop however she flinch.
"Jo please listen to me."
"Don't call me Jo. It's for friends and family and you're neither of them."
Her face is totally red from anger and hurt yet somehow she is looking beautiful.
Wait. What?! I didn't just called her beautiful, did I? Though she is. There's no denying in it.
Stop it Hero!
She turn to leave again but I hold her elbow again. This time she shouted.
"What?! Didn't you hurt me enough?!Now what is there for me to listen, tell me? Huh?!"
"Jo" I correct myself and said again.
"Josephine please listen to me. I didn't wanted any of this to happen but I can't help it. I love her. I love her Jo, and I can't live without her."
"So this means you never loved me?"
More tears spill from her eyes on her cheeks. She's full on sobbing and I know for fact that she is so stubborn and she won't let me touch her.
"Tell me, you're telling me that you never loved me? Tell me Hero! Can you fucking hear what I'm saying! Get your fucking point straight!"
She scream. Good thing no one is in corridor but it breaks my heart to see her like that. I want to comfort her, to hug her but she won't let me, I know that.
"Jo. It's not like that, I thought I loved you, but it was just infatuation. I was attracted to you but Juliet, I love her. Please try to understand I can't live without here."
Tears are rolling down from my cheeks. I never wanted to hurt her like this. I wasn't suppose to fall of Juliet but I did and so hard, that now, it's impossible for me to leave her.
"Hero, please come to the wedding with your girlfriend. I would be so happy to see you guys again. And yes, I understand and from now onwards don't ever call me, you know what? It wouldn't had hurt this much, if you would have told me that you didn't love me, I know it would have break me but it wouldn't hurt this much."
"So Mr. Hero Fiennes Tiffin, I'm breaking up with you. So that you can live your life happily with the love of your life. Bye. Please do come to the wedding. "

With that she left without saying anything else, leaving me standing, frozen on my place. With enormus amout of guilt and pain. Why my heart is hurting and I'm crying when I don't love her? Could it be possible that I love here?

No no I can't..... I can't love her....I love Juliet. I want to spend my life with her and I'll tell her everything. I went to my room and saw her standing there with her arms crossed against her chest with not so happy expression on her face.

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