Chapter 21 (Edited)

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Hero Finneas Tiffin

"Babe ready?" I shout.
"Yup, just five minutes." she say.
"That's what you are saying since past half an hour." I say and she just laugh.

Girls take way too long to get dress.
I swear, Jo was the same.
She used to take hours to get ready. Wait.
Why I'm thinking about her all of sudden?

Since the day I came back from Los Angeles.
I'm very anxious, I don't know why?
But I feel something is about to happen and it isn't good.

After what feel like hours Juliet came out of the bathroom.
God she is looking breathtaking.
She is wearing a red dress which reach till her mid-thigh, the end of her hairs are curled loosely, her lips are painted with red lipstick, normal eye shadow and blush.

How can someone be so beautiful?
But Jo would look more better in this and it will fit perfectly around her boobs and show her curves more nicely.

What the fuck is wrong with me?!
Why all of sudden I'm thinking about her?!
Jo never tried to contact any of us.
We did everything in out power to find her but we can't.
She changed everything her number, email, everything.

Kath was pretty devastated on her wedding as her sister wasn't with us.
There wasn't any best maid because Kath never replaced Jo.
Jo was suppose to be her best maid but she left and Kath never replaced her.

"Earth to Hero."
Juliet say waving her hand in front of my face.
"What are you thinking?"
She ask and I just shrug.
"Let's go."
I say and she nod her head in approval.

As we step out of the door Kath and Titan are cuddling and watching TV.
As if they sense our presence, they both turn their head in our direction and smile.

"You looking stunning."
Kath said to Juliet and she blush.
"Well have fun guys."
Titan said and we both nod our head.

"Be safe and drive properly you idiot." My brother said and I showed him my middle finger and we left.
The drive was silence but it was comfortable.

Once we reach to the party I take her hand in mine and intertwine our fingers and smile at her and we head inside.
The place was fully packed.
As I roam my eyes I spot my friend Liam.
We were close friends in my college days.
I haven't talk to him in years.
He saw me and smiled and started walking towards me.
We hug each other.
I introduce him to Juliet.
"Juliet this my friend Liam."
"Liam this is my fiancée Juliet."

I introduce them with each other.
She smile at him and he does the same. "Hey nice to meet you."
He say smiling which she return and said.
"Nice to meet you too."
He turn towards me and say.
"I'll be back, you guys enjoy the party."
I nod.
He pats my shoulder and left.

I took Juliet's hand and head towards the bar and took seat over there and she sat beside me.
We ordered drink.
Liam went to the stage took a mic and commenced.
"Hello everyone, happy valentine day, so let's start the party, take your date's hand and start dancing. After every beat you will have to change your partner keep that in mind. Everyone one of you have to dance you can't say no or just sit and watch, come on, get up and bring your date on the floor and start dancing."

I took Juliet's hand and we head to the dance floor.
Tons of couple are on the stage.
They begin to play 'Stuck with you'

Why the fuck do they have to play the song on which I danced with Josephine on our first date?
We all start dancing.
I'm moving slowly with Juliet on the song and I look around the people who are dancing with their love one's.
Liam is beside me with his fiancée Maya and beside that is someone I thought I would never able to encounter in my life ever again.
She is here.
She is London.
She came back.
As I look at her partner my blood instantly boils its Harry.
She started laughing as he whispered something in her ears.
I don't know why but i didn't like it.
What is happening to me?
Why am I feeling like this?
I don't know why my heart is beating so fast?
The air is getting thick.
She is looking so beautiful that I can't take my eyes of her.
She is wearing a dress which I don't what it is called.
It's blue and have glitter all over it.
Her make up is also perfectly done.
She is a epitome of perfection for me.

The beat changed and Juliet is replace by Maya, Liams girlfriend.
I can't seem to take my eyes of her as she is smiling and talking with Liam now.
Wait a second, how the fuck she know Liam?
Seeing her smiling like this melts my heart.
How can I hurt a girl like her?
I'll talk to her I need to tell her that we didn't abondon her.
That her sister is sad without her.
Her best friend misses her.
I miss her.
After this beat will change she will be in my arms.
I'll be able to touch her again.
After a long time I'll be able to touch her, feel her soft skin.

And the beat change and she is replace by Maya.
As soon as I hold her in my arms, My breathe stop, she got more beautiful this past months, but she look at me as if she has seen a ghost.

Hello guys
How you doing?
Tell me what you think amour it.
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Hope you guys enjoy it.
Until next update bye.

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