Chapter 7 (Edited)

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Josephine Langford

It's been a week since that day. When I went to Hero's hotel room and found out that...that he is in love with someone else. Here, I'm sitting in my motel room. I have to call Mercy and tell her everything. I've been dodging her call since whole week. I should call her, she is probably freaking her ass out.

"Oh my god! Josephine thank god! You finally answered! I was so worried about you! You shit at least you could have called and told me everything?!"

"Mercy. Look, I need to tell you something about Hero and me."
"I know everything Jo."
"You do? I mean how do you know?"
I quiers.

"I called Hero this morning. Since you were not answering my calls. So, I called him and he told me everything. I told him to find you or else not to show his face. Here, at the wedding. I'm sorry about everything my brother did to you."

"Mercy. Why would you do that? Call him and tell him to come to the wedding. It's his brothers wedding. I've blocked him from everywhere after that day. So, even if he will call me. He won't able to call me."

My phone buzzes and I saw some unknown number is calling me.

"Hey Mercy...I'll call you later. Someone is calling me."

"Okay. See ya at wedding! Bye! Yea! Be in touch with me."

"Okay. Bye! see ya love ya! Sure! I'll be in touch just needed to be alone for some time alone...that's it. Bye..."

I hung up the phone answer the call.

"Hey, this is Josephine Langford. How can I help you?"
But no one answered.
"Hello" I said again.
The only word he said and I didn't took me second to comprehend who is calling me. Which boiled my fooking blood!

"Hero! You don't need to call me...I don't want to talk to you! I know Mercy called and told you to find me and you found me. I'm alive. So, don't call me back because I don't want to talk to you. By the way with whose number are you even calling me?! Because I blocked you. So, you can't call me. Ooh!!!! It might be your girlfriend. What was her name again? Julia or Juliet?  Whatever! You know what? I'll block this number aw well. So, bye my lovely ex-boyfriend. Don't worry... I talked to mercy. So, you can show your face at the wedding with your wifey. Bye!"

With that I hung up the call. I'm out of breath by the time. I'm breathing heavily and threw my phone aside. My phone started ringing continuously again.

This man doesn't know the meaning of leaving someone alone!

After five minutes, it still ringing so picked up. My totally annoyed and irritated self answer the call.

"What the fuck Hero?! I told you-"
I'm cut off in middle when I heard his voice.
"Josephine. What's up? Seems like someone in bad mood...."
His raspy voice trail off.
"Oh no Harry! Sorry! I thought, it was my idiot ass ex-boyfriend. Who's calling me with another number. You know what?! He called me with his girlfriend's phone. Can you believe him?! Can't he understand? I blocked him means I don't wanna talk to him? What a fucking idiot he is!"
"Woah!woah! Slow down there Hitler!"
A blush crept this way of my cheeks.

"I'm sorry Harry. I'm just little frustrated. Can you meet me at cafe?"
"Ummm sure?"
"Good. I need to talk with you about something important. Meet me in 1 hour. Yeah?"
I ask
"Great! Bye!"
I hung up the call and went to my suitcase to find something to wear to meet Harry at Cafe.

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