Chapter 11 (Edited)

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Josephine Langford

I open the suitcase and remove my clothes, went into the bathroom again to wear some clothes cause I'm sure as hell! I don't want to wake that idiot up in just a towel.

After I get some decent clothes on my body. I went out of the bathroom and went towards the bed to wake Harry.

I shake him slowly at first but I know his habit. He sleep so deeply that even if the world is suffering through earthquake, this idiot will be sleeping so instead of trying to wake him in civil manner. I took a jar of water and threw it on his face.


He woke up and I burst into laughter.

"Oh my god, Jo are you fucking mad?!"
He screamed.

I can't control my laughter. I laugh so hard that my stomach hurts. I tried to control my laughter and form a meaningful statement.

"It's hard to wake you up when you are sleeping so I tho-thought it would be easy this way."

I burst into laughter again and he glare at me.

"Hahaha ha"

He fake laugh and I started to laugh more loudly. Controlling myself..I said

"Okay. Enough laughter. Go and take bath! You are smelling so bad."

He roll his eyes but got up and went into bathroom.

I started putting the clothes in the wardrobe. I kept my clothes in my wardrobe and when I was about to keep Harry's clothes in other wardrobe. I realized that Hero's clothes are still in his wardrobe and on my cue the door open and Hero came in and my blood boiled looking at his face.

I almost scream.

"Don't you know how to knock?"

He look at me in disbelief though I continue
"Anyway, I was about to come at your room but now that you are here..I want to say please take your clothes. I wanna keep Harry's cloth here.

He nod his head and whisper.

"That's the reason I'm here."

I nod my head and beckon him to take his clothes from the wardrobe and Harry came out of the bathroom wearing towel that hung low on his waist.
He give me a look saying 'What the fuck is he doing here' I didn't get bother to say something from my eyes so I just opened my mouth and said.

"Actually he's here to take his clothes."

Harry nod his head and came towards me wrapping his arm around my waist..He kissed my forehead.

I know he is doing this for show.

Only for Hero to see it.
Hero glance at us and again turned to remove his cloth from the wardrobe.

He struggle to keep so many clothed in his hand so I tried to be generous.

"Here. Give me... I'll help you."

At first he refuse but I almost snatched half of his clothes from his hand and follow him in his room.

As he open the door.  I saw Julia or Jolen...You know what? I don't know and I don't give a flying fuck either! So whatever the fuck her name is, is wearing a bath rope, smiling at Hero and jealously took over my body. She turn and smile towards me but I don't get bother enough to return it. I turn towards Hero.
"Where do you want me to keep this?" I ask
"Keep it on the bed -"
Before he could complete the sentence. i threw his clothes on the bed and went out of the bedroom. I came into my room and Harry was again sleeping.

This idiot don't know anything other than that. Don't know how he became a gynaecologist! Half of the time in his life he is sleeping! 

I open the suitcase and remove the ring that Hero gave me as promise, when he promised that he'll marry me one day but guess that will never happen now so I'll give it back to him.

I went to Hero's room and knock on his door. Only for his girlfriend to open the door.

"Is Hero here?"

She nod her head and beckon me to come inside but I don't wanna step in the room so I just said

"No, I don't wanna come in. I just wanted to give this ring to Hero. He gave me as a promise that he will marry me one day but I guess that won't happen ever so this doesn't belong to me. Can you give this to him?"

I didn't get bother to be polite and neither did I get bother to wait for her to reply. I just kept the ring in her hand, turn around and left and went back to my room to sleep since Harry is staying in my room I have to share bed with him beside I was the one who ask for his help and I can't let him sleep on the floor and I can't sleep on the floor. My whole body will ache like hell whenever I sleep on the floor and harry know that so if he will found out that I slept on the floor. He will give me lecture. Guess we have to share the bed so climb on bed and slept.

Author's note
Hey guys
Thanks for reading my book
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Until next update bye

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