Chapter 14 (Edited)

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Josephine Langford

1 week later

It's been one week since I heard juliet talking on phone that night.
I want to tell Hero, it just that I'm afraid he won't believe me.
Harry isn't here either and I don't know what to do but one thing is for sure I have to tell Hero everything about what I heard.
I can't let her ruin his life.

I went in my room and changed my clothes.
I have no appetite but still I need to eat a little bit.
I'm not eating properly and I've already heard one hour lecture for that, from Harry.
So it's better I eat a bit of food.
I was heading towards kitchen when I heard someone talking on phone.
I made my way towards the living room and saw Juliet talking on the phone with someone so I just stood by the door so that she won't see me.

"Hey, I know. I love you. You know I'm doing this for us. Yes, everything is according to the plan. He is totally in love with me and he is willing to give everything to me. I just need his friends trust and then that Josephine will be out of his life. I'll marry him as soon as possible and I'll take his property and we will live our life happily don't worry. Bye I need to go now or else that idiot will come finding me. You know he is very clingy. I miss you too."

She hung up and I went to the kitchen so she won't see me.
Oh my god! She is using Hero just for money.
I need to tell him but what if he won't believe me?
He is madly in love with her.
I need to do something.
If she will tell him to get her a star that idiot will try to get her that also.
I don't care even if he don't love me.
I love him and I need to save him and tell him the truth.

I didn't ate anything, I straightly went to the bed though I couldn't sleep whole night.
It will become a nightmare for him.
He won't able to trust anyone after this but I need to tell him and make him believe me.

(End of Flashback)

Today I'll tell him.
I make my way towards the living room. Every one is sitting on the couch and laughing since everyone is at home after a long time and I'm going to ruin this moment but I have to tell him.
It will be good as soon as I tell him.
I have already delayed it for one week.
I can't anymore.

I make my way towards them and they all saw me and stopped talking and look at me in kinda weird way.
I don't know what they both told them about our break up but since that day. They all are acting weird with me giving me sympathic look.

I sat on the couch beside Mercy.
"Hero I need to tell you something."

Hero Finneas Tiffin

Today I'm gonna propose her.
I have to prepare everything. I spoke with Mercy and Felix about help since Kath and Titan are busy with their wedding shit.
Their wedding is after one week and they are so fucking ecstatic about it and I'm happy for them.

I won't ask Josephine because I already broke her heart well that is one reason.
Second is I still haven't forgive her about what is said to Juliet.
Josephine don't know that I'm going to propose Juleit today.
I know she won't like that everyone else knows about me proposing Juliet for marriage and probably she won't even talk with them for some days for hiding it but i dont want her to get anymore hurt by me.
So I think it's best that she don't know about it, beside she isn't treating Juliet nicely, she is rude with her.
After we told everyone about the break up.
I'm glad they understood me and Juliet.
I don't know what I would've done if they wouldn't have accept mine and Juliet's relationship.

We told them about what Josephine said to Juliet and they all were shock even though Juliet persuaded me not to tell them about that but I told them.
I don't know why?
I just felt like I should and now they pretty much like Juliet.
I'm happy about that.

We are all sitting on couch and laughing when Jo came and everyone stop talking and looked at her.
After we told them about us they are treating Jo different, they always give her sympathic look, I don't understand it, perhaps they feel bad for her.
I can tell that she also don't understand that looks.

Josephine came and sat on the couch beside Mercy.
"Hero I need to tell you something."

I pray to God please don't tell me she is pregnant and the baby is mine.

She probably saw the look on my face and muttered
"Don't worry I'm not pregnant."

I sigh in relief but she look a little bit hurt.

"Go ahead." I said and she nod her head.

Hey guys
Here's the next chapter
Hope you'll like it.
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Until next update bye.

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