Chapter 9 (Edited)

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Hero Finneas Tiffin

I called Josephine with Juliet's phone. I hope she will pick up the call though she is a doctor. She should pick up unknown call ,who knows? when a patient is calling? On my cue, she picked up the call.
"Hello, this is Josephine Langford, how can I help you?"
I didn't said anything. I'm afraid to speak anything "Hello?" she said again and her name was the only thing that came out of my mouth. "Josephine?"
It didn't took her a minute to understand that it's me and she started shouting.
"Hero you don't need to call me! I don't want to talk to you! I know mercy called, and told you to find me, you found me.... I'm alive, so don't call me back, coz I don't want to talk to you.....With whose number are you even calling me? I blocked you so u can't call me.....Oooo it might be your girlfriend, what is her name? Julia or Juliet? Whatever. You know what?! I'll block this number also, so bye and don't worry, I talked to Mercy, so you can show your face at the wedding with your wifey. Bye!"
she hung up the call.

She never talked like this with anyone, even if the person is behaving wrong with her. She angry with me, Ofcourse! Is that even a question?
Why shouldn't she? I hurted her the most terrible way possible, that why, I wasn't answering any of her calls. I knew it it will break her into million pieces. I never had it in me to tell her about us.
"What happen?" Juliet asked.
"She sound very furious, she said that she don't want to talk with me. Neither be in contact with me and she told me that I can show my face at the wedding with my wifey, means you."
She nod her head and took my hands in her hand
"Look Hero..... she is betrayed...... by the person she loved the most.......she is broken and hurt..... give her time.....time will heal her wounds. Yeah?" I nod my head and kissed her head and smile a little.

3 weeks later

Today we are going back to London at my place, were I'll meet her again. After 1 month. I don't know if I'm ready. Our place were we all live together Josephine, I, Mercy, Titan, Felix, Katherine. We all were couples well Kath and Titan, Merc and Felix are still couple, and I've Juliet. I'm feeling bad for Jo. I don't know how she gonna take this. I can't leave that place we swore that whatever happen, even if one of us broke up. No one is going to leave the place. I can't broke the swore we took. Good thing, that there is an extra room in which I and Juliet will stay. I have already taken enough from her. I don't want to take anything else. I know for a fact that, no one knows about us other than Mercy, that also because I told her after she called and I by mistakenly picked up her call even though, Jo told me not to tell anyone, before the marriage. I don't know how everyone gonna handle this about me and Jo.

What if they will hate Juliet? Then I don't know what to do? I can't leave Juliet and my friends either. I love them so much as much as I love Juliet. Well as soon as my shooting is over, me and Juliet will live here only. She agreed to stay with me, when I asked her, and I'm ecstatic about that. I came out of my thought when Juliet call me "Hero?"
"We are here."
"We are at your place, Hero.."
She said softly. I nod my head. I'm getting anxious about meeting her again. I don't know how I'm going to explain things after their marriage.
We got out of the taxi. I pay the money and we went to my house. I'm standing by the door and open the door and went inside, preparing myself for facing her again. Everyone is sitting on the couch but she isn't here. When kath looked at me said
"Hero! You're here! Where is Josephine? And who is this girl?"
My heart stopped. I know Kath will kill me for hurting her sister like that, but I'm not worried about that, the thing that bothers me the most is that, she isn't here, she was suppose to come here a week ago. When I asked Mercy on call about Josephine return tickets, that's what she told me. I looked at her and she isn't even looking at me.
As I'm finding something to say, a voice came from my back "I'm here."
I turn and look at the door Jo is standing there with a grin on her face. That doesn't reach her eyes. There's a boy standing beside her. It took me few second to understand who he is..... and he is the one and only Harry styles, Josephine's friend when she was in medical school with whom I was jealous. I don't know why but I still felt that burn in my chest, which I felt all those years, when I saw them together laughing. I know I shouldn't feel this way I'm with Juliet now but I can't help it.

Author's note
Hey guys
Here the next chapter.
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Until next update bye

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