Chapter 32

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It's been 3 months since Jo came back and change my life for goods. She gave me chance to be myself again. She gave chance to a person who wasn't capable of having anything.I don't know who I was when she left me. I didn't had any hope in my life to live, that was the reason i tried to kill myself 2 times.

Last three months were the best month of my life. I got Jo back in my life, I got the love of my life back. Freddie called me daddy. That was the happiest day of my life. Jo and I both cried on that day. After that few days later I proposed Jo and ask her to be my girlfriend again. i was shitting myself on that day. I was nervous for her answer. What if she would say No? but to my surprise she agreed to be my girlfriend again.

I'm planning on proposing Jo for marriage.I don't want anything to ruin everything in my life again, to take the my love away from me again. I was stupid enough to leave her one time. I won't do that again. I know it's early but still i want her to be my wife. She is it for me. I want her to be my wife, my girlfriend, my soulmate, mother of my kids. I know for sure I would have died till now, if Jo wouldn't had came in my life again. If it wasn't for my little family that i have now, I wouldn't have consider about getting better. I went to therapy and it helped alot. I didn't had any nightmares for a month.

Freddie is growing very fast. Now he is able to walk properly and talk a little bit better than before. Freddie catch things very fast. So, i have to control my mouth and not curse cause If Jo ever heared him cursing I'm dead.He grew closer with everyone. He and Ella both are so naughty. They both are bestfriends. They both can't without eachother more than a day. I also started talking with Harry. I was jealous in starting when Jo started talking to him again. But i know that he have a girlfriend and live in a different country I'm not jealous of him. I'm very thankful to him that he was there for Jo. When i broke her heart into pieces. He was there for her when i wasn't and i appreciate that. Actually we are good friends now. We talk on facetime a lot. His girlfriend is nice.

Jo still don't talk to anyone other than Felix but not like before. The way they used laugh and pull eachothers leg all day. That don't happen anymore. Jo and I talked about it, she said she need time, It's not easy for her to forgive them. Dinner time not like before at all. We talk it's not like she talk at all but only of work, nothing else.

I'm driving home with the ring. I bought to propose Jo. I'll propose her tonight. I need to do so much preparation. She is at work and won't be home till 9 in night. It's 10 in morning means i have plenty of time to prepare. I want everything to be perfect. Freddie is with Felix and Mercy. They are on picnic. He is close with them. So it wasn't difficult foe me to presuade him.

Once I'm at home. I start preparing everything. I order flowers for Jo with a note in it. Which she will get at her hospital. I started working again and I'm doing good. Once i got everything ready. I remove my tuxedo which I brought for today and hope in shower. I took shower and I'm nervous what if she will say no? after everything I put her through. No she won't.  She loves me and I love her. I don't know if i'll be able to take that but I have to propose her and show her how much i love her and want to spend my life with her.

I got myself ready and put everything in place where it should be. Once I'm done I check the time. It's 5 in the evening. she would have got the flowers by now. There's a beach here that is where i'll propose her. Only Harry knows that I proposing her for marriage. See when i said we are good friends now, this what I meant. I booked the beach of us today. I prepare everything on beach. Set the table and place the food on it which I made by myself for Jo. Another way to show my love for her. I made Chinese. Jo's favourite. I also used Lavendar to decorate. They are her favourite. Once I'm done with everything I check the time and it's 10:00. Jo would her in any time now. That's when i saw her coming towards me and take air out of my lungs.

hello guys! Her's the next chapter. This story is going to end. I'll only write few more chapters. What do you think Jo will say? what if she will say no? what will Hero do after that? will he be able to handle that? Please vote and comment.

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