Bonus Chapter

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Everything is sort out. Jo was not lying. The call list show that the night that Jo mentioned she hear Juliet talking on phone was true. I even heard the call recording. They indeed were talking about taking my money. Everything Jo said is truth. This all time I thought that Jo was trying to break my relationship with Juiet but it was Juliet, who came between us. Who seduce me and claim that she loved me. When all she loved was my money, not me.

How can I be so fuck up? I let the only good thing slip out of my life. I lost the only thing that loved me truly beside my friends and my family. I'm on my way to home. I need to remove that bitch out of my life and bring Jo back. I'll try my whole life for her forgiveness after what I did.

I can't even imagine how Jo would have felt when we stood up against her when all she was trying was to save my life from that bitch.

I was angry that I didn't even notice that I reached home. I step out of the car and took all the evidence and head to home. I'm seeing red. I burst the door open.

"Juliet!" I shouted.
Everyone came in the living room except Juliet.
"Juliet! Come here!" I shouted again. She came from the same place where I and Jo used to live as a couple before she came in our life and took Jo's place.
"What's wrong babe?"
she ask so innocently that she hasn't been using me for Money.
"Don't baby me."
I'm losing my patience so before I do something I'll regret. I play the recorder for everyone to hear. Everyone heard the recording carefully and after every second Juliet's face became more paler than the last second.

"What the fuck, Juliet?" Mercy shouted. She look at her and than at me.
"I-i-I don't know, what it is."
I raise my brow and said.
"Oh Yeah?"
"You don't know, what it is?"
"Let me remind you, this is your call recording of the day when Jo heard you talking to your Boyfriend. Now you remember?" I said and smirk. Her face went more pale.
"She told you to do this, didn't she?" 
That's when I lost my patience. How can a person be so pathetic.
"She never told me to do anything Infact she was trying to tell me the truth this whole time. Good thing I went at that valentine party and met Jo over there, that's where I thought that maybe she is telling the truth and I started searching and look what I found. " I said pointing towards the recording.

"Now before I call the police leave!" I spat at her.
" No, Hero, You can't do this to me. You said you loved me. You never threw the person out of you life you love. "
She said desperately, trying to find a way to stay in my life.
" Well, didn't you said that you loved me, tell me you cheat on the person you claim to love? Let me tell you one thing you never loved me, you were just with me so you could take my property."

If she won't leave, I swear I'm gonna do something I'll regret.
" Come on, Juliet I'm giving you a chance, leave and don't show your face again. I won't do anything. I won't ruin your career. I'm sure you don't want to ruin the career, you never made."
She kneel in front of me tears streaming down from her face. She indeed is a good actress.
" No,Hero, don't so this to me. I love you. I accept that in start I was using you but now I love you. I really do. Please don't do this to me. "

Before I could do anything. Kath pick her up from the floor by her arms and slap her across her face.
"You bitch. You ruin my brother in law and sisters life. Now you claim that you love him. My sister left her family because of you. You are the reason my sister isn't talking to me anymore. You are reason I'm not in my sister's life. I stood up for you where I should have stood up for her."

" Hero, please help me. " she said pleading me to help her. It would have affected me if she wouldn't have done all this thing. Now I only feel one thing for her that's hatred.
" You did this yourself, Juliet. "
I shrug as Kath drag her by her arms and threw her out of the house. I didn't got bother to go and see. The only thing that is going through my mind is that how am I suppose to find Jo. She isn't even in this country but I won't give up. Eventually I'll find her.

Now I'm only target is to find Jo and apologize to her.

As I said here is the bonus chapter. Tell me what do you think and please vote and comment.

Love you all who supported my story so much. Thank you for reading and showing interest in it.

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