Chapter 16 (Edited)

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Hero Finneas Tiffin

I don't understand what had gotten into Josephine?
Why is she doing all this think?
I'm gonna talk to her tomorrow morning.

Josephine didn't came out of her room whole day.
We are eating dinner.
No one went to call her.
I was about to, but mercy stop me, telling me if she want to eat she will come out by herself.
Neither Josephine came out nor anyone went to call her.
I know Josephine since we were child she is very stubborn.

So Josephine didn't came out to eat food and we all ate food in silence and now I'm in my room with Juliet.

"Hey, I'm gonna talk to Josephine tomorrow. I don't get why is she doing all this?"

She nod her head and we went to bed. Her head on my chest and my hand wrap around her waist.
"Good night love."
"Good night baby."
With that we both fell asleep.

Next morning

"Hey Hero, get up."
Juliet said and I just groan.

"Com'n! It's 9:30! Get up! Don't you want to have breakfast?"
I got up and went to take shower.

If it was Josephine she would have thrown a bottle of cold water on my face to wake me up.

Why the fuck am I thinking about how she would have woke me up?

I took shower and wrap a towel around my waist and went out.
I went towards the closet and put my boxer, sweatpants and a t-shirt and threw the towel on the bed.
I head towards kitchen but no one was there.

I look at watch it's 10:00.
By now everyone should be kitchen.
I went towards the sink and it was empty means no one ate breakfast but where the hell is everyone?
"Where the hell is everyone?"
I shout and Juliet came towards me.
Her facial expressions says that she is worried.
I cup her face in my hands and ask "What's wrong baby?"
My heart came to halt.
"What Josephine?" I ask
"She left Hero."

I felt like my whole world stop.
I left Juliet there and run towards Josephine's room and found Kath crying in Titan's arms and Felix and mercy standing inside the room crying.
I went towards Kath.
"Where is Jo?"
But she continue crying
"Where is Jo? Please tell me where is she?!"
I ask again.
I felt tears in my eyes but no one answer my question.
Kath had a letter in her hand, she just hand it to me.
I took a glance at the paper.

No no no she didn't did what I'm thinking. No she can't!
I read the letter and I let out the breathe I didn't knew I was holding.

After i read the letter. The lump got stuck in my throat.
I'm crying.
she left us.
She left us all and she hate us.
She hate me.

The letter

My so called friends and sister.
Thank you for so much support you guys gave me yesterday.
By the time you guys will read this I'll be gone.
Katherine, you know what? I never in my worst nightmare thought that you would turn on me like that.
Everyone else isn't my family but you, you are my sister.
My fucking sister!
Well, Mercy about you I just wanna say, that you were a good friend and off course my best friend, who turn on me like everybody else.
The time when I needed you guys the all turn your back on me, and I hate you guys for that.
Hero, I hope that you live your life happily and that idiot of your girlfriend really fall in love with you and won't leave you, cause I know how it feel to be abondan by the person you trust and love the most.
So I guess Katherine you got a new sister and Mercy, Felix, Titan  you guys got a new friend.
Hero got new girlfriend.
So I guess there isn't my need anymore.
I should leave you guys.
You all will be happy without me.
Katherine make your new sister your best bridesmaids in your wedding.
Since you like her more than me and supported her yesterday.
Please don't poseponed your wedding for someone like me who was just trying to break your precious soon to be brother in law's relationship.
I just wanted to ask you guys one think how long have you guys known me? and how long have you guys known her? and you guys still thought that I would try to destroy the person's life I love the most in this world and willing to give up anything for him.
You guys think that low of me? You guys know what? I'll pray to God that I don't  encounter with any of you ever again in my life and I hate you all for what you guys did to me.
Your ex-sister /friend

I read the letter loud by the time finish reading letter I'm sobbing.
She said we abondan her.
We left her alone, when she needed them the most.
Oh my god! I don't know what to do?!

"This all happen because of me! I ruin her life Hero! I took a sister from a sister. I took a friend from a friend and I took the love of her life. I destroyed her life Hero! If anything happen to her I won't able to forgive myself."
Juliet said and I went towards her and hug her.
"No baby. Nothing happen because of you. Please don't blame yourself for it. Please."

She is crying in my arms and it breaks my heart to see the girl I love the most in this world crying.
I rub my hand up and down on her back to calm her down.
"What if she does something wrong Titan?"
Kath ask abruptly.

"She will not do anything like that, you get that? She is not mad. We will find her. Don't worry."
I said to Kath as soon as she said the sentence.
But it scared the shit out of me.
What if she really does something wrong?
She is such an insecure person and I know by breaking her heart I made her insecurities worse.
I just pray to God that she won't do anything stupid and that she find someone who will love her the way she deserves to be loved.

Hey guys here's the next chapter
Hope you'll like it.
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Until next update bye.

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