Chapter 8 (Edited)

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Josephine Langford

I'm getting ready to meet Harry at cafe. Harry and I used to be friends in college but Hero was jealous of him because we are in same field in studies so he was insecure that I would leave him for Harry, just because we won't have same topics to talk about he was such a moron sometimes, and he knew that Harry had a crush on me, cause he never hide that he had a crush on me.

I was still friends with him cause he never step up his boundaries, but look who did that. Now that my so called ex-boyfriend was jealous of my friend....when he was my boyfriend...I stop talking to him. I met him again on the other day, after I found out about Hero and his girlfriend.

I was sitting in church, it been a long time since I came to church last time. After, the prayer, I got up and was going out the church, when I bumped into someone. I didn't even get bother to see up and apologise properly because the pain I was going through was too much for me to pay attention to anyone, I just flatly apologised.
"I'm sorry."
Start to walk out of the church. When someone grab my elbow and said "Josephine Langford is that you?"
I turned around only to find my close friend Harry and my mood instantly light up.
"Mr.Harry styles! what are you doing here?" I said jokingly, only to earn an eye roll from him.
"Well, if you forgot I work in America. You live in London so I think I should ask you this question. What are you doing here? Where's your boyfriend? who was always jealous of me just because I had a crush on you."
He said with a goofy laugh.
My heart instantly stopped at mentioned of him. Ofcourse, it only been two days after I found out about that thing. I love him very dearly. I don't know when I'll move on or if I'll ever be able to move on...maybe he noticed my sour expression and he asked
"What's wrong?"
"Hero and I are no longer together....We broke up yesterday."
I slowly look at him. His mouth hung open as if he don't believe what I'm saying.
"You have got to be kidding me right?!What do you mean you broke up?! You two were madly in love with each other?! Because of him you stopped talking to me?! Tell me what that fucking idiot did to you? Because from what I know, he was a fucking head over heels for you!"

"Harry, I'm not ready talk about it. I'll tell you everything...wh-when I'll feel like ...I should talk about it but right don't think, I'm comfortable enough to talk about it. Anyway, tell me how your life is, how it's going?"

I asked trying to change the topic and it worked. Perhaps he understood, I don't wanna talk about it.
"Well, I'm coming to London next month for few months because I haven't been there for what? like 2 years. I miss my family and friends! successful gynecologist, still single and nothing else."
"Wow that was nice."
"What do you mean nice, you think my life is nice?"
"Yes, your life is nice. At least you don't have to go through break up shit. Wow because kath is getting married to Titan in a month so you are coming to the wedding with me."
"But jo-"
"I don't know anything you are coming means coming. End of discussion."
I state with authority in my voice.
He raised his hand in defense and said "Fine."
I smiled genuinely. After two whole days I smiled, which was real.
"Let's go and grab some coffee, yeah?" I asked
"Yup." he said. We headed towards the cafe, spent the afternoon together, talk about our life's. I asked for his number so we can often meet each other, talk with eachother. I went to my motel room and slept. I was happy again after so many days.
(End flashback)

I pick up my phone, put it in my purse, grab my jacket and went to Uber. I order. And reached to cafe. I went inside and look around. Harry was sitting there, smiling like a moron towards me. Today I'll tell him about everything that happened between me and Hero cause I need his help. I went to him and hug him. Inhaling his sweet scent and buried my face in his build up chest.
"Harry I need your help."
"Will you be my boyfriend?"
He nearly spite the whole coffee, he was drinking. I try to control my laugh since I met him again. I've been laughing like old days in college where we used to hang out a lot before I stopped talking to him.
"W-what do you mean?" he stammer. His eye widen in horror.
"I mean I not telling you be my real boyfriend. I'm just telling you to pretend to be my boyfriend in London."
His face turn into confusion.
"What do you mean Jo?"
"I don't want Hero to think...that even after one month. I'm still crying over him. When he'll come to wedding with his girlfriend." I let out a breath.
"Wait girlfriend? What do you mean girlfriend?"
I gulp and took breath. Preparing myself for this.
"Jo either you tell me what happened or I won't help you."
I gulp and whisper.
"Hero cheated on me."
It's so hard for me talk about this with anyone but I guess talking will ease my pain. He tried to say something but I raise my hand to stop him that I'm not finished "He wasn't responding any of my calls or text or any of his friends, so I came to America to talk to him, since his brother getting married, so ofcourse, he will want him in his wedding. When I went to his hotel only to found out that he cheating on me. He said he love her and can't live without her and what he had for me was infatuation, he thought he loved me but he met Juliet. He understand that, what he had for me was infatuation and not love, but I saw love in his eyes, when he was talking about her, it should be for me, but it was for her and then, I went from there and blocked him from everywhere and today he called me with his girlfriend's number and asked me, how am I and where am I. I snap at him just hung up the call."
By the time finish harry is looking totally mad.
"do anyone know what Hero did to you?"
"No, one other then Mercy and I told her not to say a word to anyone."
"Why?" he ask he is totally red from anger. I knew he would be so angry after hearing this.
"Because I don't want to ruin my sister's wedding."
And that did for me he burst out and said
"Are you fucking idiot?!" My whole body startled from his voice.
" Don't be so naive Jo! Why you don't want to tell them?! Just for once think about you for fuck sake, you don't need to think about whole god damn world! You get that, think about you. You! For once damn it!"
I didn't realize, I was crying until he came and wipe my tears and hug me.
" Shit I'm sorry Jo, I didn't mean to shout at you. I'm sorry."
He wrap his arms around me and kissed my forehead.
"I can't Harry. I can't. I don't want to ruin his relationship with his brother. I don't wanna ruin their wedding day. I can't tell them, I can't......I'll just tell them that we broke up. I won't tell the reason I can't ruin his relationship with his brother. I can't....." I'm fully sobbing now .
I looked up at him in confusion
"Okay. I'll pretend to be your boyfriend, if that's what you want, I'll help you in every possible way, if by me pretending to be your boyfriend helps you then I'll do it."
"But there's one problem."
I look up at him "What confusion?"
"Since you know, I had a huge crush on you when we were in college, which I still have what if I won't be able to control myself then?"
He playfully asked and I just laughed.
"Well then, when we are in front of them you can kiss me on my lips but nothing else."
And we both burst out laughing.

Author's note
Hey guys
Next chapter will be hero's pov
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Till next update bye

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