Chapter 31

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It's been a while but hero still didn't came back. As I get up to check, the door fly open and Hero came inside with Freddie in his arms sleeping but he look worried.

"What wrong?"
I know, something happen but he isn't telling me.
"Hero" I say with a warning tone.
"Mercy is home."
"I'm just worried, how you will react since she was the one who stood against you."
I sigh.
"Hero, its fine. I already met her. When I was in hospital. I was a bit cold with her"
He look at me confuse.
"Of course, my hospital. I was the doctor who was Kath's doctor. And how do you think I found out you are in depression, Titan told me. Her doctor was diagnosed so she called me and gave me her detail's. I didn't saw her name on the file. I don't think she even know I was her doctor. I talk with Titan. He know about Freddie but not that he is not your son. I just told him that he is my son. "

He seems somewhat relive with my answer. I don't know why everyone think that Freddie is hero's and mine. I get it he do look like hero. He have blond hair and his eyes are blue with a tint of green in it and he also get dimple when he smile just like Hero.

"Let's sleep?"
He put Freddie on bed in the middle and I lay on left side of the bed and he lay on right side. I cover us with a blanket. Since it's summer. I lean and kiss Freddie on his forehead. Something I do every night. I also kiss Hero on his cheeks and forehead. He have stubble. He hasn't shave. I put my hands on his cheek and stare in his eyes. He did the same. We stare at eachother for a while when I broke the silence.

"Don't you think, you need to shave?"
"Yeah, I know. I just didn't want to.
" Why? "
" I like it this way. "
" But I like you clean shave. "
" Is that so? "
He ask me with a mischievous grin which I return and nod my head.
" Then let's go and shave my stubble. "
" What, now? "
I ask with wide eyes.
"Yes, now get up."
He took my hands and we head to the bathroom which is attach with the room. He put on the sink and brought all the things that he will need.

He pick the foam and hand it to me. I gave him an confuse look.
"I want you to shave my stubble, come on."
"But Hero I don't know how to"
"It's easy. I'll tell you. Just take the foam and spread it on my stubble and use the razor, that's it."
"What if I by mistakely cut you?"
I ask worried. I never in my life had done this before. I really don't know how to. I have seen him doing this hundreds of times but I never did.

"Than, you better run from here."
He say with a chuckle. I hit his chest playfully. He put his hand on his left chest and pretend to be hurt.
"I'm serious, Hero. I've never done this before."
"Don't worry, millions of things happens first time in our life."
He say smiling and I glare at him.
"Sorry, now come on."

He put his hand on my waist. I pick the foam and spread it on his stubble and pick the razor and started shaving his stubble. I'm doing it very careful. I'm afraid I'll cut him.


I can tell. She is nervous about cutting me. I'm happy that I have her again that she gave me another chance. She is letting me be in her life. I was stupid enough to let her go last time. I won't give her any chance to leave me and I won't repeat my mistake ever.

I came out of my thoughts when Jo tap on my upper lips. Asking me to plug them in. I did as she ask me to. After shaving she pick the towel and clean the remaining foam.

"Now you look like my Hero." she say and I smile. I like how she said 'My Hero'. My heart stops for a second. I miss her so much and I love her more than any one could ever love anyone. I know I fucked up but I'll do anything just to get her back.

I know it won't be easy to earn her trust again but I'll wait forever for her. I'm not missing this chance. I'll show how much I love her and our son.

After she left I realise that I love her more than anything. That she was everything to me. If she is there then I'm there, if she isn't there then neither I'm there. After she came back today morning I started feeling emotions. When she was gone I was emotion less. I didn't used to feel anything until today morning.

I'm snap out of my thoughts when Jo cup my cheeks. "Hero?"
"What are you thinking?"
"About you, how I started feeling emotions again. You just came back and I started feeling better again. I feel like, I have a hope to live again. I have someone who want me alive."

Her eyes are filled with tears. She is beet red.
"I didn't mean to make you cry." I say and wipe her tears with my thumbs. She garb my hands in hers and intertwine our fingers.
"No, it means so much to me, Hero. You told me everything I wanted to hear from you. You told me how much I mean you. I love you hero. You never lost my love. Every single day. I missed you. I used to cry in my sleep. I was in depression for 3 months. I went to therapy but I couldn't bring myself to tell them anything. I just couldn't bring myself to say anything. It was so hard until Freddie came in my life. He brought out of my depression. You remember when we saw each other on valentines day. Since that day I started to get depressed. That day when you said that you miss me. It crush me to leave but she was still with you and my friends betrayed me and I don't know If I ever will able to forgive them for what they did. "

We both are mess. I didn't realise I'm crying until she wipe them. She told me she loves me. She never stop loving me. I don't know if I ever will want anything other than this in my life. I wipe her tears and pick her up from the sink. She wrap her arms around my neck and her legs wrap around my waist.

I head to the bed and place her on the bed where Freddie is sleeping and kiss her on her lips.
"I love you, Jo."
"I love you, Hero"
"I'll never let you go again, I promise."
"Please, don't ever break my heart again I won't able to take it."
I nod and kiss her on her nose and cover her with duvet and went to sleep on my side of bed.

I kiss Freddie on his forehead.
"good night, son."
I see with the corner of my eyes that Jo's smiling. I'm happy that I'm the reason she is sliming. I have made her cry so much and I won't do that again.

I lean and kiss her again and say "Good night, love."
"Good night, Hero."
Freddie is sleeping between us. Between Jo and me. We are sleeping like a family. I put my hands on Jo and Freddie and we all fell asleep. It is the first night when we are sleeping like a family. My little family. Which I won't destroy and neither I'll allow anyone else to. Good night everyone.

Hey guys! How you all doing? Here's another chapter. Again I won't able to update for a while but I'll try to update. So, some people told me they want to know bout what when Hero and Juliet broke up. I just wanna say that I'll give you guys that chapter as a bonus chapter. I love you guys so much. Until next update bye.

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