Chapter 26

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I wake up feeling someone tugging my clothes. When I look at what it is? It's Freddie, my son. I pick my phone and saw the time, it's evening. Of course, he would search for me. Hero is still sleeping on my lap. I pick his head slowly and replace my lap with a pillow. I get up and pick him in my arms and he hug me tightly. I hug him back and ask "What wrong baby?"
But he didn't say anything just hug me more tightly.

I turn and see that Hero is still sleeping so I went to the living room to ask Felix, what's wrong with Freddie. He was probably afraid?

Once I'm in the living room, I see that Felix is sitting on the couch watching something on the TV. I went and sit on the couch beside him with Freddie still in my arms. He turn and smile at me which I return and ask "What's wrong, him?"

"Ohh, he is not fond of me. I tired to play with him,talk with him but he wouldn't utter a word. He know how to talk right? He just sat on the couch and did nothing and few minutes ago he got up and went to the room. Probably afraid. He is the first child who didn't talk with me, children get close to me very quickly " he answer and I nod my head.

I get it. My baby was scared because it's a unknown place for him. How could I leave him alone. I should have explain him nicely that this is the place where I grew up and Felix was my friend. Perhaps, he would have played with him. I know he can't talk properly so he wouldn't have talk with him but atleast would have respond him.

"He can't talk properly but if I would have explain him that it's the place where I grew up. He would have been more playful." I say.

"Jo, he is totally your son, he is totally like you." I smile at his statement. Yes, he is my son so why he won't be like me?

I grab Freddie's face who is still hugging me tightly and bring him face to face with me. He looks very sad.

"Baby, you know where are we?" I ask and he nod his head in no.
"This the house were I use to live when I was studying and this man with whom I left you is my friend." I say and he's eyes fill with joy and happiness. I know he wouldn't understand half of the thing but he understood that this is the place his mum grew up and the man sitting in front of him is his mum's friend.

" You know why are we here? "I ask and again he nod his head in no.
" Because, mum's friend is ill and mummy need to help him. "
" You saw that man, who was sleeping on my lap? " I ask and he nod his head. He don't speak much and especially not in front of stranger.

"I'll go and make the dinner." Felix say and I nod my head. I get up from the couch and left to make food and continue to tell him.

"That man is also my friend and you know what mommy love's him so much." I know for a fact that he isn't understanding anything but still he listening to me and trying to understand. But it feel good to tell him about all this thing.

Suddenly, I heard someone screaming and it's Hero. Oh my god, he is having nightmare. I said him I won't leave him. "Baby, be here I'll be back, yeah?" I ask Freddie and he nod his head. Like I said he is smart kid. I put him on couch and run to the bedroom. Felix is still in the kitchen probably he didn't heard the voice.

I open the bedroom door and Hero is tossing and turning on the bed and screaming. I run towards him and shake him but he didn't wake up. I shake him roughly this time and he jolt up and hug me tightly, very tightly. As if he is afraid I'll disappear. I hug him back and rub his back and say "It's okay, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have leave you when I promise I won't leave, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

He is breathing heavily. I break the hug and get him water. He drink the water in one round. He hug me again and say "Don't leave me, jo. I can't leave without you, please, don't leave me." the way his voice cracks at last broke my heart. My man who was so strong is broken so badly and I'm unable to do anything.

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere, I'm sorry, I just went out to keep the plate and talk with Felix. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you alone when I promised you that I'll be here, I'm sorry." I say.

I'm not going to tell him anything about Freddie. He is already go through so much I can't tell him. I'll tell him everything once his circumstances will be fine.

I heard the voice of the door so I turn to see who is it. To my horror, Felix his standing with Freddie in his arms.

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Until next update bye.

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