Chapter 29 (Edited)

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Josephine Langford

"So, is Freddie my son?" he ask
He look hurt by my answer but I can't do anything.
I have to tell him truth.
I can't do anything else.
He want to know the truth.

"So, who is his father? You said you didn't move on? Was it a one night stand?"
"What?! No. Off course not. Do you think I'm someone like that. Who will get pregnant by anyone."

I know I shouldn't be hurt by his question.
I know he would ask something like this but I'm hurt.
I can't help it.

"Then Jo please tell me who is the father?"
"I don't know."
"What do you mean, you don't know? You said you didn't slept with any random guy then what do you mean by you don't know who is his father."

He is literally pissing me off.
Like really, if he will say one more word about my character I won't tell him anything.
"Hero. I don't know mean I don't know who is his father is because I'm not his biological mother."
He ask in confusion.
"Freddie is not my biological son. I was in America. I was going to hospital when I stopped to get some food for myself. After I came out of the store I heard a baby crying and the sound was coming from the dustbin. So I went to take a look and saw that there was baby in the bin who indeed was crying. He was born two-three days ago. I felt bad. He needed someone to take care of him and I needed someone to live my life for. So I adopted him and he is my son. No one have the right to say that I'm not his mother because I'm, and no one can take that from me, not even God. I won't let him get away from me. He is the only reason I'm alive today. Because after what you did I would have died years ago."

I didn't realize I'm crying until Hero wiped my tears.
My eyes flutter close because of skin the contact.
I still get butterflies in my stomach whenever his skin comes in contact with me.

Hero Finneas Tiffin

Jo never moved on.
She never moved on.
I can still get her back in my life.
She began to cry and she didn't even notice.
After Josephine came back.
I know she only came today but after I saw her today morning.
I see a little bit of hope that I can live.
I have someone who care for me.
And I want her back in my life and I'll do whatever it takes.
I love her and I won't let her go this time.
I was idiot enough to leave her for a girl who didn't want anything other than my money.
I will give Freddie father's love only if she will allow me to.

"If you don't mind I want to be Freddie's father. I want to give him a father's love. I know how important it is. Please. I'll do whatever it takes but only if you will allow me to be his dad. I'll get another hope to live, please Jo, please. I know I don't deserve you but please. Give me a chance and I'll prove it to you."

She seem to think for few minutes and sigh and said.
"I don't know, Hero. Your condition isn't good enough to be a father and you broke me so terribly I can't give you another chance. I know it will hurt you but just don't keep any hope that I'll come back to your life and be your girlfriend again after everything and now I have Freddie to think of. My every decision will affect his life and you don't even wanna go to therapist. How am I suppose to allow you to be his dad? "

I don't why but without thinking I said.
"I'll go to therapist. "
She look at me shock, her eyes wide from my statement but I mean it.
I'll do anything.
"Yes Jo, I'll do anything as long as you will allow me to be his father and you give me another chance. I'll go to fucking therapy. I'll take all kind of fucking medicines and everything. Please just give a chance."

I see a hint of smile on her face but she hide it and try to keep a neutral face and said.
"Okay. But one mistake and I'm gone. I'll give you another chance and I'll let you be his father but you have to go to therapy without complaining and you will take every medicine and most important thing you will not curse in front of him."

I can't explain how happy I feel right now.
I'm the luckiest son of bitch alive.
I'm going to be a father and I'll have my girl in my arms again.
I abruptly hug Jo and squeal.
"Thank you Jo. Thank you. I won't let you down this time. I'll go to therapy. I won't curse and I will take every medicine as long as Freddie is my son and you will be my girl again. "

Hello guys!
How you all doing?
I'm sorry for late update.
This month I won't able to update regularly.
Please vote and comment
And enjoy the story
Until next update bye.

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