Chapter 13 (Edited)

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Josephine Langford

I wake up by my alarm.
I groan and got up.
It's 7:00.
Everyone will be on breakfast table after half an hour.
We all have divided the house core and my work is to make food and bring groceries.
So I took shower and got dressed and made my way to the kitchen.

I entered the kitchen only to find Hero and Juliet sucking each other's faces.
Tears threaten to come out but I blinked my eyes few times so the tears won't spill.
They didn't even notice my presence until I clear my throat and they turn and look towards me.
Hero's face is normal but Juliet's face was red from kiss or embarrassment I don't know. Neither do I care.

My eyes were stuck on their intertwined hands.
It's hurting me so much but I can't let him know that so I turn on my bitch mode.
"What are you doing here this early? Breakfast is suppose to be after half and hour."
"Actually I made breakfast for everyone." Juliet said.

"That's my work and I don't like other's doing my work so from next time don't do anything. You are guest in this house, so live like a guest, don't try to become family." I hissed.

It's hard for me.
I never in my life have talked this rudely with anyone.
Her face looks like she is upset by the way I spoke but I don't give a fuck.
Hero look at me with a look on his face say that he is angry with me but who gives a fuck?
Who am I kidding?
I give fuck about him.
I still love him.
I can't stop doing that.

"Why are you being mean?"
I scoff.
"I'm being mean? I guess I'm just telling her not to do my work."

"Well she wanted to make breakfast and asked me and I told her to make the breakfast."

"Well you should have ask me before, I don't like people trying to pry in life."

"Jo, what the fuck?"

"What? If she's so eager to do the house core tell her to do your work. That's wash the dishes."
I say just to irritate him and went to the bedroom since Miss Perfect made breakfast.
Well good thing my work is less today either way I don't like cooking neither am good at it but the rest are worse than  me so you can only imagine what it's like to eat the food they make.

I came to room and Harry is still sleeping.
I decide to wake him up.

"Wake up sleepy head."

I shake his shoulder and he groan.

"You get up or stay without food for the rest of the day till it's dinner time."
I threaten.

And it worked! He got up! Bingo!

"I hate you." he grumble.

"It's not like, I'm dying for your love." I sassed.

"Okay. I see, you are still good at fire back."

"I'm and always will."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Go and take bath."
I said and he nod his head and went to the bathroom to take bath.


We are eating breakfast that Miss Perfect made and I must say she's good at cooking.
Everyone is eating happily and then Felix said.
"It's 100 time better than what Jo make, right guys?"

Everyone one nod their head and started laughing expect me.
She just said thank you and Felix spoke up again.
"You should cook more often. No. I think you should cook everyday till you are here. You are very good at cooking."

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