Chapter 10 (Edited)

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Josephine Langford

I'm very anxious. I'm going to see him. Again. Today after 1 month. I don't know, if I'm ready to see him with someone else.... that's the reason, I'm taking Harry as my boyfriend with me to London. Here, I'm sitting in the plane and I'm in flying to London again, after one month, I'm going back to my home.  The place were I live. We got out of the airport, I know I was suppose to be here 1 week ago.....I-I just didn't wanted to go early and have to tell them everything that happened between me and him. I'm still not ready. It was hard enough for me to open up in front of my friend. The friend with whom I used to talk about everything without hesitation. So we took the Uber and went to the apartment. Where, I and Hero used to live as a couple well.... not anymore, from  now onwards,  I have to pretend that Harry is my boyfriend.

I don't know if I'm ready for it, yet I have to do it and I can't let him know that, I still love him after what he did to me, I can't.
Harry nuged my elbow and said
"Still wanna go?"
I nod my head in approval and we went inside. I open the door and said "I'm here"
Two figure were standing in front of me. Ofourse!  he would bring his girlfriend here. I mentally roll my eyes. Everyone's eye were at me and then Kath ask
"You were suppose to be here a week ago?"
"umm i got some work to do in America?" I question it more than stating it.
"In America?"
"Come on kath, you know I'm a doctor. A week ago when I was going to airport. Harry called me and asked for my help so I can't deny it. As a doctor, I swore that I would never deny a call for my patients so how I am suppose to deny when a patient need me?"
"Can't Harry handle it, hmm?"
"Kath, will you shut up ,you want me in your wedding or not?"
"Ofcourse i want you, you're my sister."
"Then stop asking questions, can't we just be happy that Harry is here?"
Everyone nodded their head and said hi to Harry and after the greeting. I announce that Harry and I are going get freshen up.

I and Harry and  headed towards mine and Hero's room. Which is now my and Harry room. When Titan ask "Why you two are going in your room, what's going on between you two, you two came separately and even with different people what's going on? Hero won't mind you  going in your and Hero's room with someone else who is not him?" He ask suspiciously.
Hero turn to me and was about to say something, when I said "He wouldn't mind, right Hero?"  I turn towards him and smiled cunninglybat him.He is eyes glued towards the floor and I continue

"Coz everything is happening because of him, don't worry, I'll explain everything after the wedding, don't worry about it."

They both just nod their head and we both went inside
"Woah! that wasn't bad."
He said, I glare at him. He immediately start to apologize and I burst into laughing
"You should have seen your face, oh my God!"
He glare at me. I try to stiffle my laughter. I pretend to zip my lips and through the keys behind me.
"Okay, you can watch TV till the time I take shower?"
"Yeah sure."
I went into shower and turn on the shower and waited for the water to get in normal temperature and I step in, my muscles instantly relax and I feel relief. It was hard for me to face Hero and snap at him but I can't be that old jo anymore and I won't be, I can't be that jo, who is willing to give everything to the person she love, now I'll become little selfish. Harry taught me, it's not a bad thing to think about yourself sometimes. After I took shower and wrap a towel around my body and went out of the bathroom, only to find Harry sleeping. This moron was so tired that, he passed out while watching TV.

Author's Note
Hey guy's
Here's the next chapter
I hope you'll like
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Until next update bye

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