Chapter 22 (Edited)

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Josephine Langford

Hero is here with that bitch.
Why on the earth this happening to me? What did I did to deserve this?
Harry must have notice my discomfort as he look in the direction I'm looking.
He turn his face towards me and keep his hand on my shoulder and say softly. "Hey, we can leave if you want to."

I smile at his concern.
How he care about me so much?
I know it will be hard for me to see him after everything we have been through but this time I'm not running.
I'm tired of running from him.
I won't let him ruin my mood.
I look at Harry and said.
"No, we aren't leaving."
"You sure?"
He ask and I nod my head in response.
"We are not leaving for some asshole, who ruined my life six months ago. I won't let him affect me anymore."
He nod his head still didn't believe that I want to stay but didn't protest.

While I'm having my drink with Harry.
Liam commence his speech and said that we have to dance with our date and after every beat we will change partner, that mean I have to dance with Hero.
Oh God.
How am I gonna do this? God!

Harry took my hand and we both head to the dance floor.
I try my best to ignore Hero.
The song begin and we are dancing slowly on the song.
Harry is cracking jokes to keep my mind divert.
I laugh at one of his joke.
The beat changed and I'm replaced by Maya, Liam's girlfriend.
Liam and I made small talk while dancing.
The beat change again and now I'm Hero's partner.
As soon as his hand rest on my waist and our finger's intertwine.
My body is on fire.
He still have his affect on my body.
I still get goosebumps with his touch.
I can't get over him.

I'm looking at him as if I have seen a ghost.
"Jo?" he ask
"Hmm?" I say.
"Umm how are you?" he ask and I scoff.
"How I am?"
"Well I was fine before I saw you."
I snap at him.
As much I love him, I'm still angry at him for what he did to me.
His face fall at my sentence.
"Jo, I'm sorry."
"You're sorry?"
"After everything you guys did to me, you only want to sorry?"
"Jo, why didn't you came back? Why didn't you contact us? Where have you been all this months? How are you Jo?"

He fire me with questions but I'm not gonna answer him a thing.
"It doesn't matter Hero, how I am and where I have been this year because you don't deserve all those answer. You lost all your right to ask me questions that day when you and your friends stood against me."
"Jo, its not like that. Kath is terrible without you. She miss you a lot. Mercy miss you alot. Without you there isn't any fun while we are eating dinner. Felix don't crack jokes while we are eating dinner because you aren't there Jo. Everyone miss you Jo."
He complete his sentence with a sigh but I'm not buying it.
However I miss them too.
Me and Felix joking on the dinner table, Mercy and me going for shopping but what they did to me was unforgivable.
They all broke my trust.
They turn their back on me when I needed their support the most.

"You guys miss me?"
I asked, He nod his head.
"But I don't, and I don't wanna talk about people whom I left as my past. The people who didn't support me. Who don't trust me."
"Jo, its not like that, we trust you."
"You guys trust me?"
I scoff once again.
"Then tell me why didn't you trust me when I said that Juliet was wrong. Why didn't you trust me when I said that Juliet was using you for money and she still is. Why did you of all people called me a gold digger. Why my best friend stood up against me if she trust me? Why didn't Felix stood up for me? Why didn't Kath and Titan stood up for me? If you guys trust me so much then why didn't you guys believe me! Tell me!"

I'm trying so hard to control my tears but it's seem like i can't anymore.
Hero look tragic but I don't give a fuck right now.
I don't give a fuck about dance or valentine.
I left Hero on the stage alone and left.
I ran to the bathroom and let the tears fall.
After all this month he still doesn't trust me and it still hurt like hell.
I'll never get over Hero.
Besides everything he did to me i still love him and always will.

Someone knock on door.
"One minute!"
I shout.
I look at myself in mirror.
Thanks to waterproof makeup I'm not looking horrible and my makeup isn't smudge.
I wipe my tears and open the door to find Harry standing with a worried look on his face.
"What happened? I saw you running to the bathroom. Did he say anything to you? If he did I swear I'll kill him."
He saud in an angry tone.
"Can we go home?"
I ask and my tears came back.
He hug me and nod his head, kiss my forehead.
He took my hand and we both head to the party.
As we were leaving someone called Harry's name and we both turn and saw Liam coming in our way.

"Where are you guys going?"
He ask before I could answer Harry say.
"She isn't feeling well, so we are leaving, I'm sorry mate." He said.
"Oh it's totally fine, no need to worry, take care of her." He said and hug Harry and he hugged him back and we left.
I didn't saw him while we were leaving.
I'm sad that I didn't saw him because I'm going back to America tomorrow because the work is done here.
After today I probably won't see him again. Ever.

We reach the hotel and I change my clothes, removed my make up and head to bed. I throw my body on bed and drift of to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Hey guys
Hope you enjoy it.
Please vote and comment your ideas.
Until next update bye.

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