Chapter 6 (Edited)

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Hero Finneas Tiffin

It's been a week since that day, since that tragic day. My chest still hurt from the guilt for what I did to her. I'm here laying in bed and looking at Juliet. Thee love of my life. Who look so beautiful, sleeping in my arms. I'm gonna propose her today to marry me and I'm getting very anxious, what if she say no? what if she will leave me and will never talk to me? No, I need to stop getting paranoid. She will say yes.

As I'm thinking how am I suppose to propose her my phone ringed. I groan and gently replace my chest with the pillow and pick up my phone to answer. Without looking at it.
I instantly regretted answering the call because it's Mercy.
"Hey bro! Can you give the phone to Jo? She isn't answering any calls and I'm worried about her...Can you give her the phone, please?"
My body froze.

She isn't answering calls? Did something happened to her.......?
"Actually Mercy, Jo isn't her."
"What do you mean she isn't there? Where is she? Hero, what the fuck did you do this time?!"

I glance at my sleeping girlfriend and went to the balcony. Not wanting to disturb her. I told her everything and Mercy immediately started calling me names, started shouting at me for what I did and I stand and listen to her because I'm thinking were Jo could be, what if she got in an accident.....? What if someone kidnapped her? What if she left because of what I did to her?

Mercy pulled me out of my thought by shouting at me.

"Did you heard me Hero?! If anything happen to my Jojo, I'll never forgive you!nor I'll see your face ever again! You get that in you little shit of head?! You better start searching her!"

Before I could say anything, she hang up the call and Juliet said from behind me.
"Who was that?"
"Ummmm Juliet there's a problem."
"What problem?"
"Baby..Jo is missing, she isn't answering anyone's call and she isn't here neither at home. I don't have any idea....where she is?! my sister said...if I won't find will never talk to me again. I don't know what to do?!"
I grab my hair and pull it in frustration.
I look up at her. She is crying? I quickly went towards her and wiped her tears.

"Hey, why are you crying?"

"Hero... this is all happening because of me! If it wasn't for would have been happy with her and you two would have been together! I ruined everything! Hero! I ruin your whole life!"

She is full on sobbing and I don't get it, how could she think all this thing?!

I cup her cheeks and force her to look at me. Her glossy eyes broke my heart.

"Hey! Hey! Baby look at me! You are the best thing ever happen to me. You get that? You know...I thought I was happy being with Jo...but, I'm more happy with you! Nothing can compare the happiness when I'm with you! when you are in my arms! You get that?! You didn't ruined my life! You are the best thing ever happen to me!"

I kissed her on her lips very gently as they were made of glass. She closed her eyes, feeling my lips on her. Where...I'm silently trying to tell her. How-how much I love her and she isn't burden to me.

"Hero. We need to find her. We need to find Jo."
"I know that Juliet..."
I trail off.
"So what the fuck are you waiting for? Go ahead and call her."

I gulp and nod my head, picking up my phone and called her.

Of course she blocked me! Why wouldn't she? After what I did to her. I would have killed myself.
"Baby she blocked me. I can't call her, now what?"
"Give me her number." I nod my head gave her Jo's number. She called and gave her phone to me. After 4 rings she answered the call.
"Hello. This is Josephine Langford. How can I help you?"

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