Chapter 33

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I and Hero are good again. He made me trust him again. At first I was so worried about us. What if I regret it? What he leave me again? If had done it one time what will take for him to do it again? Nothing, but he proved me wrong. He showed me how much he loves me. He always surprise me by doing little little things. I have a surprise for him which I'll tell him today. I know he will be ecstatic about it.

I just got his flowers he sent me with a letter in it. That say "come home fast, babe. Surprise waiting for you, love H" I don't know what surprise he is talking about but i can tell his surprise isn't better than mine.

Freddie is very close with Hero and with everyone in the house. Especially with Kath's daughter, Ella. They both are inseperable from eachother. They both are so naughty. They will do all idiotic things in the house to irriate us. I haven't talk with anyone other than Felix. I mean i do talk with them but not like before, nothing is like before. I know you might think I'm making big deal about it but for me it's was a big deal. I always stood up for them whenever they needed my help but they didn't. I know i'm being selfish about it but I'm just not ready to forgive them.

I didn't realise it was 8:00 in the evening. I took my bag and left the hospital after my substitue came and took my place. I reach at home at 9:00. I head to the room keep my bag on the bed and saw a box of chocolate. I pick it and saw they are my favourite. This man is trying really hard. Another letter is there in it. I open it. "Wear the dress, you wore on that day in the valentine party, meet me on the beach, love H". I smile after i read the letter. My heart swells with happiness. He is showing me how much he loves me.

Probably he is taking me for dinner or something. I quickly got ready and remove the envelope from my purse. Which is Hero's surprise. I reach to the beach and saw that he had decorated the beach with lavender. It's so beautiful. He is very a black tuxedo. His hair are pushed back without using the gel. He looking so handsome. He gain all his weight and became healthy again.

I run towards him and hug him. He hug me back and caress my back and kiss me on my head. "You did this for me?"
I smile and kiss him on his lips.
"I love you, Hero. No one has ever did this all this things for me. I love you so much."
I say while crying.
"Shhhhh baby don't cry." he kiss me and hug me. I nod my head.
"Let's eat yeah?"
I nod my head. He took my hand and leda me to the table. Where he had all my favorite food. I look at him and ask.
"You made all this?"
He nod his head with small smile. That say he is nervous. I don't mean that the smile don't reach to his eyes but he look nervous. Like he wanna say something. I decided to leave it and enjoy the dinner.

He pull the chair for me like a gentleman, who he is. My gentleman.
"Thank you" I sat on the chair and he also sat on the chair alternate to mine.

After we are done with food. He suddenly got up on his chair and remove a box from his tuxedo's pocket. He kneel on one knee. I'm completely shock. I didn't expected him to do this early. But before I could say anything he begin.

"Jo, I know we just reconcile but I want this. You are the only person. I have ever seen who is so caring. That even after what I did to you, you came to help me. From start you always wanted my happiness, you never cared about yours. After you left me I was so devasted even though it was my fault the reason you left. When I again saw you that day in the party. I couldn't control myself. You were looking so beautiful in that dress. I tried to find you on that day after the dance but you were gone. I love you Jo and I promise to love you and our son for the rest of my life. Jo, will you marry me, will you be mine?"

I'm totally shock. I'm crying and so ecstatic that I forget to say yes to him.
He waited for my answer but when I didn't said anything he say with worried eyes.
" Baby, please say something"
I realise that I haven't answered him yet.

He got up from his knees and put the ring on my ring finger. I hug him very tightly coz I can't jump on him because of the saree. I look up at him with huge grin on my and his face and kiss him on his lips and say.
" Now, it's my turn to surprise you. "
"Oh yeah?" he ask. I nod my head and head to the table and open my purse and remove the envelope and hand it to him. He look hesitant at first but he took the envelope and open it. He took little time to read it and look at me wide eyes with tears in it and a huge grin plaster on his face.
"You-you are pregnant?" he stammers.
I chuckle and nod my head. He pick me up in his arms and hug me tightly.
"Oh my God, Jo. You are pregnant. I'm going to be dad again. Oh shit." he say while laughing and crying. I just smile look at him.

I didn't expected today to be like this. But whatever I knew we were meant to be. After everything we are finally together again.

He pick up in bridal style and head to the house which is our for tonight.

--------------------THE END----------------------
Hello guys! The story is completed. Thank you everyone who have read it and supported my work. I'll miss writing it. I'm writing a new fanfiction on H&T 'The bet'. Please read it and support it just like how you supported this story. Please vote and comment your ideas. Bye!

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