Chapter 28

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Blood drain out of my face. I didn't wanted Hero to find out about Freddie right now. When his circumstances is very terrible. I don't know how he will take this mess but guess now I will have to tell him everything. I turn and see Hero looking at Freddie with confuse face. Probably he still didn't understood that I'm his mum but I can't ignore my own child for Hero. No I can't and I won't.

I get up from the bed and walk towards Freddie, who is in Felix's arms. Like I said, if I would have explain him everything before he would have been more comfortable, this what I meant. I take Freddie in my arms and glare at Felix for bringing Freddie in the room. I'm shocked Hero hasn't ask anything about him yet. If it was old Hero, he would have showered me with questions but guess this Hero know his boundaries.

"I wanna talk with you" I say to Felix, who hesitantly nod his head. I turn to Hero and say "I'll explain you everything, Hero but one thing i want to tell you is I never moved on." he nod his head but still look little hurt and scare but relax with my statement. Good cuz he already have enough on his plate. I turn and grab Felix's arm and drag him out of the room and bring in living room.

"Sit here, I'll put him in the room and I want to talk with you." I say to Felix. Without giving him chance to answer I turn and head to guest room. I put Freddie on bed and switch on the TV.
"Baby, watch the TV, mummy will be back and then we will eat dinner okay?" I ask and he nod his head. My sweet child never deny my request. I kiss him on his cheek and turn and head to the living room where Felix is sitting on the couch.

"Why the fuck, would you bring Freddie in hero's bedroom?" I ask
"I didn't knew that he was awake and Freddie came in kitchen and tugged my joggers so I pick him in my arms and he motion towards hero's bedroom so I thought that you need my help that's why I came in. I never meant to put you in more pressure than you are right now. If I would have known that Hero was awake I never would have came inside. I know you didn't wanted Hero to know about Freddie yet. I'm sorry" he say.

I sigh. It isn't his fault he was looking forward to help me. "Jo, can I ask you something?" he ask and nod my head hesitantly. I know what he is going to ask.
"You said you didn't moved on."
"Does that mean Freddie is Hero's son?"
"Look, it's a long story but I can't tell you right now coz I want hero to know before anyone else but for now, no, Hero isn't his father." I say.
"No but's Felix I said I'll tell you afterwards, so just shut up." I say little annoyed.
"Go and get the plates ready. I'll bring Hero and Freddie to the table."
He look utterly shock.
"Did I something wrong?" I can't help but ask.
"Jo, Hero hasn't came out of his room for dinner in years, hell he didn't even ate dinner some time."

My poor baby. I'll treat him and he will be fine again. He will be the Hero he was before. I'll take him to the best therapist. Hell I'll do everything for him, just to bring my old Hero back.

"Why didn't guys took him to the therapist?" I ask.
"Everytime we tried he didn't agree and said if we will force him. He will kill himself. So we stop forcing him in doing things and let him do whatever he wants to."
His answer terrifie me. I never thought Hero is capable of saying something like this than again I never thought he would cheat on me.

You know in every person there is someone nobody knows about.

"But today, he will, he will eat with us from now onwards." I say.
I get up and went to the guest room first to pick Freddie. I went into room and pick him in my arms and say "Come on, it's time for dinner."
I turn and head to the dinning table and put Freddie on the seat.
"Take care of him. I'll bring Hero. Make sure he don't fall or else you are dead. Did you something else for Freddie? Coz he can't eat our food if you didn't then I'll make it."

"Don't worry about it. I made him food." I smile at him after centuries. I turn started heading towards hero's bedroom when Felix call me.
"Just don't force him. If he don't want to. He is going through a lot."

I mentally smile. Happy that he us concern for his friend.

"Dont worry. I won't force him to do anything."

I open the door and Hero is sitting on the bed. Crying. I rush towards him and hug him and wipe his tears with my hands and  ask. "What's wrong? Why are you crying, Hero?"
"You indeed moved on, Jo, didn't you? You were just saying that because you didn't wanted me to feel bad. Why would you care if I'll feel bad. After everything I put you through why would you care for me."
"Beacuse I love you." I say before I could stop myself. That's true. I never left loving him. I always prayed to God for him. He look at me shock that even after everything I'm saying this but i do. I still love him with all my heart more than I loved him before.

" Yes, Hero, I love you. You never lost my love." I say and kiss him lightly on his lips. I know he need this.

"But, what about that child, jo? Am I his father?" he ask. I sigh and commence.
"Hero, it's a long story, I'll tell you after dinner. Now let's go and grab dinner. I know you haven't had dinner in the dinning table since ages." I say and smile at him which he return and say "I didn't wanted to sit there and eat. It would always remind me how you and Felix would make jokes."
"But now I'm here. So let's go and have dinner on the dinning table then I'll tell you everything about Freddie. Yeah?"
He look at me confuse. I forgot he don't know his name.
"My son's name."
"Let's go?" I ask

I take his hand in mine lead him to dinning table. Felix look shock when he saw that Hero, really came to dinning table. We take our seats. I sit between Freddie and Hero. I fed Freddie. After he was done I pick him and head to guest room and tug him on the bed and kiss him on his forehead and say "Good night, baby." I switch off the lights and came back. I sat and ask "Is Mercy coming?"
Felix look little shock that I'm trying to make conversation but reply "Yes, she will be here in an hour."

Hero didn't said anything while dinner but it went fine. He completed his whole plate. Once, we are done. Hero head back to the room. I decided to help Felix with cleaning.

"You want me to help you, with something?" I ask.
"Ohh, no, you are already helped a lot when you bring hero to dinning room. I'm pleased that you are here. I know you can bring our old Hero back." he say. I nod my head and hug him. He seems little shock but hug me back. I turn and head to guest bedroom and see that Freddie is already slept so I decided to head towards hero's bedroom. I know I have to tell him and I will. One thing I know that, he won't be hurt with my explanation. I feel like I'm mother of two.

As I open the door. As I expected, hero is sitting on bed waiting for me. As soon as he saw me he pat on the bed. I walk and sat beside him.

Hey guys.
Hope you will enjoy it.
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Until next update bye.

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