Chapter 19 (Edited)

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Hero Finneas Tiffin

It's been six months, since I last saw her.
We tried to find her.
We did everything in our power to find out where she is, but we couldn't.
She changed her number, email, country everything.
I don't even know where she is, how she is?

Is she okay?
Did something happen to her?
How is she?
Do she hate me?
Can I live with that?
I don't know.
This are the only question roaming in my mind since the day she left.

I know for a fact that neither was I a good boyfriend to her neither a friend. No.
I just hate myself, because of me she left her sister and friends.
She tore every relation with us.
Because of me she was left alone.

Kath and Titan got married after a month she left.
Everything was already prepare and if we would have cancel it, we would have to pay money for cancelling it at the end. Eventually they were suppose to end up together.

What if I ever encounter with Jo again?
Will she even look at me?
Will she talk to me?
Or perhaps she will ignore me and will pretend I'm not there or she didn't saw me.
Did she moved on?
Did she found someone who will love her?
The love that she deserve but never got from me.
She loved me really loved me and I just broke her heart.
Sometimes I think what if I never signed for that movie?
What if I never met Juliet?
What if I never broke her heart?
Maybe we would've been happy now.
Maybe I would have really fallen in love with her.
But then I would have never found my soul mate, the love my of life.
My fiancé.
Yes I proposed her.
Soon we will be married.
I can't wait for my dream to come true.
I can't wait for the day when I'll be able to call her my wife.

I'm going home to London from Los Angeles.
I was here for three months for a movie shoot and now I'm going home.
I'm very tried since I didn't slept the whole night yesterday.
I was so excited to see Juliet after 3 months.
It's not like we didn't talk at all.
We did call, face time, text and all but seeing her in person is something else.
So I fall asleep in the plane, however it will take ten hours for us to reach London so I can sleep peacefully.

An air hostess woke me up telling that we are about to land.
I smile and said thank you to her and she went.
I was sitting and was reading magazine until we land but I heard something that took the breath out of my lungs.
I heard someone calling her name.
I turn and look around in the whole plane but I couldn't see her.
Maybe I just heard something wrong.
There are so many girls name Josephine, it's not necessary it's the same Josephine I'm trying find.

After I went out of the airport.
I see Felix, Mercy, Titan, Kath and my love Juliet is here to pick up me.
This guy's are group of idiot.
I told them anyone one of them would be appropriate but they came here with whole group.
I walk towards them and hug them each one by one and lastly I hug Juliet and bury my head in her hair and inhale her smell.
"God, I miss ya." I said
"I miss you too."
she said.
I kiss her.
I didn't have any intention of breaking the kiss until I hear.
"Seems like we won't able to sleep tonight."
It was Felix.
I just show him my middle finger.
I smile at her and kiss her head.

We left the airport.
When we reach home I directly throw myself on the bed.
I was so tried until Juliet came and said. "Hey, go and take shower!"

"I'll take one when I'll get up." I said and pull her on the bed with me.
"I've work to do."
"Sleep with me, I miss having you in my arms."
I say and give her the best puppy eyes I could.
At last she agreed and I slept like a baby.
Having her in my arms again is something I don't know how to express.

I woke up in the evening around seven and saw that the other side of the bed was empty.
It was cold mean it's been a while since she got up. I was about to get up when Juliet came in and said.
"Oh you are awake, I was about to wake you up, come on the dinner is ready."

I nod my head and follow her to the dinning room.
Everyone is busy eating food.
Ever since Jo left we don't talk during dinner cause Jo and Felix used to entertain us during dinner but now Felix also eats quietly.

"So how was the movie?" Mercy ask.
"Fine, everyone was so nice."
I answer and she nod.
No one said a word after that.
We ate in complete silence.

Once we were in our bedroom.
I turn towards Juliet and say.
"Baby I want to tell you something."
"What is it?" she ask.
"There's a party on valentines day. One of my friend from college is throwing it and he invited me. I was thinking do you wanna come? It's okay if you don't want to. I understand. I was just asking. I'll tell him I won't able to come."
I continue to speak and didn't gave her the chance to answer.
She laugh and said.
"Hey relax! Will you let me answer, I would love to come with you in that party."
Her laugh is something that will melt my heart every time I hear it. She so polite and so sweet.

I just smile and climb onto the bed and after few minutes she join me and I wrap my arms around her and kiss her on her lips.
At start it was tender but it became rough.
I miss her so much.
I don't know how lucky I'm to have her in my life.

"Good night baby doll."
I said and she smile and said.
"Baby doll huh?"
She smirk at me.
"I like it. Good night Hero."
she said.
I kiss her one more time and we both fall asleep wrap in each other's arms.

Hey guys
How have you been?
Here's the next chapter
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Until next update bye.

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