Chapter 23 (Edited)

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Hero Finneas Tiffin

Jo ran to the bathroom and I'm standing here.
My body refused to move.
Why is she saying all this things about Juliet?
Is it true?
Is Juliet really using me?
Why would she?
But why would Jo lie about something like that?
I don't know why, but my heart is telling me to believe Jo and mind is telling me to believe that whatever she is saying is rubbish.
I don't know what is happening in my life.

I realize that the music has stop and everyone is off the dance floor and I'm the only one standing on stage.
I immediately ran to girls toilet to find Jo but she isn't there.
I try to find her everywhere but I can't find here.
Did she left?
No she can't, not before answering my questions.
My mind strike that Jo was talking with Liam so probably he know if they left?
I started finding Liam.
I found him at bar,drinking with girlfriend.
"Hey Liam, I wanna ask you something."
"What is it?"
"Have you seen Josephine?"
"Josephine? As in Harry's date Josephine?"
I feel a pang jealousy hit me in heart but I nod my head.
"They left."
"What? What do you mean they left?"
"I saw them leaving so I ask what happened, he told me that she wasn't feeling well so they left. She was looking so pale."
"What is with you? Why are finding her?" He ask I just shrug and left.
He gave a suspicious look but I decide to ignore it.

I feel tears building in my eyes.
She left again.
How am I suppose to find her and ask her what does she mean?
It's all my fault.
When she was willing to explain me, I didn't heard her and called her a gold digger.
Now when I want her to explain, she left me.
Karma is a bitch.
I'm getting back what did to Jo.
But this time I'll try to find out what is truth.
I need to.

I don't know from where to start but I'll eventually find out, who is right and who is not.
I find Juliet sitting on the bar table and talking on her phone with someone.
I went towards her and she immediately hung up on the call.
"Let's go?" I ask and she nod.

The drive to home was silent but this time it's an awkward silence.
I don't know what to say.
I have tons of questions in my head.
I have to find out the truth.
Then it strikes me that Jo said she heard her talking on phone with someone.
So I decided that first I'll remove the call recording of Juliet's phone from last six months and see whatever Jo was saying is truth or not.
Once we reach home.
I didn't say anything and directly head to the bed.
I didn't wait for Juliet to join me.
When she came to bed I pretend that I was already asleep.
This time I'll find the truth no matter what.
I'll go at any level to find out truth.

1 year and 6 months later

Josephine Langford

I'm back in London and this time I'm not going back anywhere.
It's been a month since I move back here.
I realize that I'm tired of running and that I am not leaving the country where I spent half of my life.

I bought myself an apartment not a big one but sufficient for two people.
I started working at my hospital again. It's just, that I don't go often only when there an emergency and when the other gynecologist isn't there.
I went to the bedroom to wake Freddie up.
He is such lazy person.
If you won't wake him up, he probably will sleep whole day and whole night.
I smack him on his ass and said.
"Wake up baby."
He groan but didn't get up.
I open the curtain and turned off the AC and fan and left the room.
I know this will wake him up.

Hey guys
Hoep you enjoy it
Just a small chapter
What do you think about Freddie?
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Until next update bye.

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