Chapter 12 (Edited)

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Hero Finneas Tiffin

I'm going to our-Josephine's room to get my clothes. My clothes are still in Josephine's wardrobe. I open the door and saw Josephine keeping her clothes in the wardrobe from the suitcase. She look at me like she is angry, ofcourse she is, this past few days she don't even look at me.
I was in my thoughts when she yelled
"Don't you know how to knock?"

I look at her in disbelief. Why is she shouting? I just came in the room without knocking what's the big deal in that?

"Anyway, I was about to come to your room but now that you are here I want you to take your clothes I wanna keep Harry's cloth here."

I nod my head and said.

"I came here for that only."
She nod her head and beckon me to take my clothes from the wardrobe and I hear a door opens. I turn around only to find Harry standing in his towel and looking at Jo like he wanna ask something but Jo open her mouth before he could ask anything
"Actually he's here to take his clothes." He nod his head and went towards Jo and wrap his hand around her waist and kissed her forehead. I can't help but feel little jealous. I don't know maybe because I'm the only one who has touch her like this and now that I'm seeing her with someone else it's crawling in my skin.

So I ignored then continue to remove clothes from the wardrobe. When I'm done, It was difficult to keep this much clothes in my hand. Jo came towards me and beckon me to give her some clothes.

"Here give me, I'll help you."

I refuse at first but she snatch it from my hands and went outside of the room probably to my new room. I look at Harry and he smirk at me.

My blood was boiling, I don't like this man even a little bit. I went towards my room with Jo and open the door and saw Juliet standing in her bath rope she smile at me and I reciprocate it.
She turn towards Jo and smile at her but Jo didn't smile back and Juliet look little sad.

She turn towards me and ask with attitude clear in her voice.
"Where do you want me to keep this?"
"keep them on the bed -"
But before I could complete my sentence she threw the clothes on bed and left the room.

I turn and look at Juliet, she looked sad. I went towards her and cup her face and whispered
"Hey? What's wrong?"
"She doesn't like me."

I nod my and sigh.

Off course she doesn't.

"Look it's her problem. She don't like you. You are such a nice girl I don't know how someone can't like you. She's just hurt and she think that you snatched me from her. She have to understand that I love you not her."

She smile and nod her head. I kiss her and someone knock on the door and I groan and she chuckles.

"I'll look who's at the door you go and take shower."

I smile and nod my head and went into the bathroom and turn the shower on. I remove my clothes and waited for the water to get at normal temperature. After the water was warm enough I jump in the shower and took a long one. Once I'm done. I put a towel around my waist and went out of the bathroom and saw a worried look on Juliet's face. I ask her.


She turn towards me and show me a ring in her hand. I went close to her to get a good look to the ring. Its a ring I gave to Jo as a promise that I'll marry her one day, but now I love Juliet and I want to marry her, if I knew before that I would fall for Juliet I wouldn't have given this ring to her.

"How did you get this?" I ask

"Josephine gave it to me and said that I'm to good for you and I should leave you. She said you will leave me just like you left her, that you are just using me to full fill your needs, that isn't true right Hero, is it?"

She is on verge of crying and I'm very furious how could she say that, she know how much I love Juliet.

"What's wrong with her? don't worry I'll talk to her." I told her.
She grab my hand
"No need Hero. She just hurt she is probably saying that cause she is worried about me that I might end just like her, heartbroke."
I grabbed her face.
"But how could she say all those think to you."
"Hero promise me you won't say a word to her, we already had hurt her enough. I don't any more drama."
she cut me off and said
"If you love me, than you won't say a word to her. Promise me you won't say anything to her."

How can I deny her?
I nod my head but I hate Jo for this.

"I asked for promise young man."

I laugh and said
"I promise, but if she says something like this again I won't leave it and you promise me you'll tell me if anything like this happens again."
She nods her head and said
I kiss her and we made love that night before we passed out at midnight.
"Good night love."
"Good night."

Author's note

Hey guys
Something is coming...
Here's the next chapter
Hope you like it
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Until then bye

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