Chapter 24 (Edited)

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Josephine Langford

Once I'm done with the breakfast.
I head to bedroom to see that Freddie got up or not.
To answer my question.
He didn't got up, the only difference is that now he isn't cover with any blanket because I turned the AC and fan off.

Freddie is my a year old son and the only reason I moved back to London because I wanted my son to grow up in the city, where I grew up.
I want my son to see the place where his mother grew up, spent and lived her life.
Of course I also moved back here because I have a business here.

"Freddie, baby, get up, mommy have to go to hospital and I can't leave you alone in the house. Get up. You can sleep in my cabin."
I said but this time he got up.

He is smart.
Freddie can walk a little bit less than proper.
Though he can't speak properly, he just one.
I take him in my arms and head to the bathroom.
I gave him bath.
After dressing him up now we are eating breakfast.
I'm feeding him since he can't eat with his own hands.
He is smarter than other kids of his age.
As I'm feeding him, my phone starts to ring.
I see the caller ID and it is the gynecologist, who work in my hospital.
I answered the call.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Ma'am, can you please get to hospital, it's an emergency. I'm ill and I'm vomiting every now and then. I won't able to go to hospital and there's an emergency, one of my patient is in labour."

I feel a little bad for her health.
"Okay, send me a pdf of her file. I'll leave my house right now."
"Thanks, I'll send you the pdf. Bye."
After I'm done feeding Freddie.
I take Freddie in my arms and my keys and I left for hospital.
I read the file, I didn't got bother to read the name.
I directly read about how her pregnancy was.

Once I reach hospital.
I went straight to my cabin, lay the sleeping Freddie on the couch.
I asked one of the midwife who was free to keep an eye on him, incase he gets up.

I put on a mask and hand gloves and head to the delivery room.
The blood drain out of my face.
The person on the delivery bed is no one else but my sister but I can't let that affect me, that my sister is here.

I'm going to be aunty.

I'm ecstatic about it but all my happiness faded when I get the flashback of that night.
I turn and see that Titan is in the room. Of course why won't he?
He is her husband and one person is allowed for support.
Titan have equally shock expression as mine.
None of them knew that I moved back here.

I reach the bed and saw that she was dilated.
So it was time for her to push.

"Okay, Ms Fiennes Tiffin, you are ready to push." I said.

"Push, when you have your next contraction."

After three pushes the baby is out and it's a girl.
My niece.

"And your baby girl is here. Congrats Mr and Mrs Fiennes Tiffin."
I said and hand the baby to midwife so that she can clean her.

Kath is too tired to notice that it is me, who delivered her baby not her gynecologist.
I left the room and saw that Mercy is sitting on the bench.
I went towards her and said.
"It's a girl."
She look up at me in shock.
"Jo?" She muttered.

"Nah, Dr. Langford."
I said and went to my cabin to see that my boy is up and playing with the midwife.
He is very decent child.
He doesn't trouble anyone.

"Hey, baby you're up!"
I went to him and pick him in my arms and sat on chair and was playing with him when someone knock on my door.
"Come in." I said.

Titan came in probably to ask when his wife can go back home so before he could ask I said.
"Your wife will be discharged by tomorrow morning."
He shake his head and said.
"How have you been Jo?"

He look at Freddie in my arms who is holding the hem of my blouse and looking at Titan.
"He is your son?" he ask and I nod.
"What do you want Titan?"
I asked in harsh tone.
"Jo, I just want to tell that, Hero is in depression."
My blood stopped in my body.

Why the fuck is he in depression?


"Yeah, he found out about Juliet and left her and then he tried to find you to apologize and get you back in his life. He tried to find you for a whole year but he couldn't. He was in guilt and was broken because you weren't there. He tired to kill himself two times. He have nightmares and he shouts your name in his nightmares. Like 'Josephine please don't go.' He loves you Jo, he loves you, it's killing him inside that you aren't there and he is the reason behind that. Please come back."

I take my bag and Freddie in my arms and head to my car, leaving Titan in my office.
I going to my old house to Hero.
He is in depression, he need me and I'll help him to get out of the depression.
I put Freddie in his seat on the back and sat on the driving seat and started heading to the house.

Hey guys.
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Until next update bye.

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