Chapter 15 (Edited)

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Josephine Langford

We came to Hero's bedroom.

"Hero, I need to tell you something important."
I said and he nod his head.

"Juliet is using you for fame and money Hero." 
he shouted so loud that everyone from the living room came to the room.


"Are you out of your mind Josephine?"
"Do you even realise what the fuck are you saying?"

"Look. I know, you love her and all but she is just using you.I heard her talking on the phone."

"Jo what are you saying?"
Felix said.

"She thinks that Juliet is using me for fame and money!"
Hero said with full of venom in his voice. Everyone gasps.
"Jo what are you saying? Are you insane? Why would I use him? I love him! Hero I love you. I'm not using you. Please believe me!"
Hero hugged her and kissed her on her head.

"Off course I believe you baby, and I love you."

No. No. No this can't happen! He have to trust me!

"Hero, please trust me she is using you! Please she'll ruin your life! believe me!She just want to get famous and want your money, Hero! Believe me goddamit!"

"Jo I don't understand why are you saying all these things? I love hero with all my heart."
Juliet whispered and I snap at her

"I'm not talking to you."

"But you are talking about her."
Hero stated.

"Hero please believe-"
before I could finish the sentence he cut me off.
"She is using me or you can't accept that I don't love you but her?"

I'm looking at him in complete shock.

"You think I'm doing this because I can't accept the fact that you don't love me?"

he look at me and narrowed his eyes at me before he spoke again
"Or we should say that you want to get famous and want my money."
I scoff and let out a pathetic laugh.
"I want your money?"
"You seriously think I want your money?"
"I'm just trying to save your life Hero."

"Well I don't want you to save my life. I know for a fact that she isn't using me. she loves me."
He said intertwining his hand with hers.

before I could say I was cut off again. "Stop it, Josephine."
this time it was Mercy.

"Why can't you just accept that he don't love you after what you said to Juliet you really think we will believe your bullshit?"

"Why do you think I'm using Hero?" Juliet ask.

"Oh you really wanna know what made me believe that you are using Hero? Then listen! I heard you talking  with your lover boy on the phone that night!"

"What night and what lover boy?" Katherine ask.

"The day when you all get to know about Hero and my break up. I heard her talking on her phone with her boyfriend, saying that everything going as planned and soon she will marry him take his money and leave him."
I said.
My throat is sore from crying, tearing are rolling down on my cheeks nonstop.

"Jo. She isn't cheating on Hero neither she is using him. She love him. We know that. We have seen it in her eyes the way she look at him. Her eyes full of love."

"Believe me, I'm saying the truth."
I plead with teary eyes.

"Josephine. Enough is enough! just because she isn't saying anything doesn't mean you'll say anything about her."
Mercy said.

"Or Hero is telling the truth? That you want him for fame and money?" Juliet said.
I slap her on her face and Hero screamed.
"Josephine! What the fuck?"

"I want his money? I own a fucking hospital and I'm one of the best gynecologist in world! And you think I want his money! The money he won't be able earn in a whole year I earn in a month and I want his money! Woah!"

"You guys don't believe that I'm telling the truth, do you?"
I ask looking at my so call friends and no one said anything.
"You guys know what? Fuck it! I don't want to save his life. Juliet go and ruin his life! I can't do anything. If he want his life to get ruin."

"And you guys. Since how many years you guys have known me? And you guys think I would do something like this?"

I look at them with disgust in my eyes. I was full on sobbing.

"Thank you for so much support and Kath? I didn't expect this from you, at-least."
I whispered and she just look at the floor and said nothing.
I turn towards Hero, who is hugging his girlfriend who is fake sobbing.
She is good at acting.
She should get fucking Oscar!

"I'll be waiting for the day she'll leave you and ruin your life."
I said and everyone gasp with that I went to my room and slam the door and started packing my clothes.
I am not leaving in this house anymore and I don't want to help him.
If he want his life to get ruin then who am I?
Who am I to stop his life from getting ruin?
They know me since we were in our diapers and yet they don't believe me.
I don't want this kind of friends who don't believe me and can't trust their friend and sister.

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