Chapter 17 (Edited)

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Josephine Langford

Once I'm done packing my clothes.
I open my laptop and book a flight for America.
The earliest flight will leave in morning at 6:00 am, so I took a pen and paper and started writing a letter to them.

Once I'm done with it, I took out my phone and call Harry.
It's 11:00 pm so he won't be asleep.
I didn't went to eat dinner neither did anyone came to call me, this proves, how much they care for me.

After few rings he pick up
"Hello? Josephine? Is everything alright? You okay? Why are you calling me this late?"
He shower me with his question.
"Hello. Harry? You still coming tomorrow at my house?" I ask.

"Yes? Why? You don't want me to?"

"No, it's not that."

"Then what is it?"

"Just don't come and pack your shit. I'm coming at your house to pick you up. We are leaving for America tomorrow 6:00 a.m."

"What? Why? Did that bastard did anything to you? Did he said anything?" He ask, his tone is full of venom.
I feel tears rolling down my cheeks.

"You still there?"
"Did he said anything to you?"
"Harry, I'll tell you everything but not on the phone. I'll explain you everything when I'll see you. Okay bye. See ya, soon."

Before he could protest i hung up.
It's 11:15 only and I know for a fact that everyone in this house are owl.
They all are awake till mid-night.
I can't leave now.

So I message Harry that I'll pick him up around 2:30 or 3:00 am.

By the time I kept thinking about the time we spend together.
Hero and me.
How happy we were until that movie. Because of me we got apart, if I hadn't force him to sign for that movie.
He wouldn't have met Juliet and wouldn't have fall in love with her.
Right now we would have been making love, kissing, giggling with each other.

I still remember the time when we first made love.
When I gave my virginity to him.
He was so careful and gentle with me.

"Tell me if you want me to stop, yeah?" He ask and I just nod.
"Answer me with words Jo." he said.
"Yes." I said.

He slowly pushed himself inside me and I close my eyes.
It was very uncomfortable at first.

"Tell me when you are comfortable and I'll start moving."
He said and I nod afraid to speak.
After sometime I relax and he may have notice it so he start moving at very slow pace and I close my eyes tightly because of the pain and I tear roll down my eyes and Hero stop moving and said.
"Jo you are crying..Leave it. We will do it another time."

He was about to remove himself from me but I stop him.
I want this, I want him.
"No, Hero I'm fine. Don't stop." I said.

"But Jo, you are crying and I don't wanna hurt you." He said.
I smiled softly at him.
"Look, it's my decision. I want you so you are not hurting me and second is that it will also hurt the same next time, probably not this much, but I want it." I said.
"But Jo.."
Before he could protest i cut him off
"Please Hero, for me, please."
I said and gave my best puppy eyes to him and he smile and kiss me.
"I love you Jo."
"I love you Hero."
And we made love that night.

I didn't realize I was crying.
He was so carrying with me, was that not love?
If not than what was that?
I miss my Hero so much.
The Hero who was so carrying and gentle with me.
Not this Hero who just call me name.

I feel like everyone in my life abondan me.
First Hero then my friends.
I just hope Harry won't abondan me.
I don't know what I'll do, if he will also abondan me like others.

I check the time it's 2:00 so probably everyone will be in their rooms getting ready to sleep.
So I took my suitcase and went out of the room leaving the letter on the desk on my study and leaving the house very carefully without making any noise so no one will notice.

I arrive at Harry's house and call him.

"Hello, come down I'm here." I say.
"Yeah, I'm coming."
He said and I hung up.
He came near my car and I beckon him to keep his luggage in trunk.
He oblige and came in the passenger seat next to me.

"Do your mom know that you are leaving?"
I ask and he nod his head.
"I told her I'm leaving early becouse of some work."

I start the car and lead us to airport. "Now will you tell me what did that bastard did to you?"
I keep my mouth shut and keep driving. "Jo?" He said in angry tone.
I took the off the road and told him everything and by the time I completed I'm crying and Harry is hugging me tightly.
"That bastard! Jo we are going back there. I want to teach him his lesson."
He say and I nod my head in refusal.

"No, we won't. I don't wanna see their faces ever again in my life. Please for me let's go to airport. If he want to ruin his life let him. Please."
I plead and he nod his head.
He sit on driver seat and I didn't protest and let me know he is very angry after what Hero and my friends did with me.
"Harry?" I say.
"Will you ever abondan me like my friends did to me?"
"No, Jo please don't compare me with them. I'll never leave you even if you want me to, whenever you need me, I'll there for you, always. I won't ever abondan you. I'll be there for you when ever you need me, get it?" He say and I nod my head.

"I'm sorry."
I say. He look at me with confuse expression he ask.
"For what?"

"For abondaning you, because of Hero"

"Ohh don't worry about it, it alright."
"No, now I understood how it feel to be abondan and I'm sorry."
"Jo it's okay. Don't worry about it now."

We arrive at the airport at 5:00 and directly went to the security for checking and then board to the flight as we sit in the flight I muttered in my mind.
"Good bye Hero. Hope that idiot of your girlfriend really fall in love with you and won't leave you cause after that you will be shattered and won't able to believe anyone."

I fly to America with Harry for never coming back.

Hey guys
Here's the nest chapter
Hope you guys like it
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Until next update bye.

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