Chapter 25

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Fuck, fuck I don't even know where they fuck they live? If they aren't here in our old house then I have to go back to hospital to ask their new address. Let's just wish that they still live here. I open the door of my car and took Freddie in my arms and head towards the door. I knock on the door and anxiously started waiting for a known face to open the door.

To my surprise Felix open the door and he is looking at me with shock expression. I understand that I completely cut all my ties from them and now all of sudden I'm standing on the door with a child in my arms. I get it, anyone will get shock but right now I don't care. The only thing I care about is hero. He need me and I'll do everything in my power to help him.

So I ignore is shock face and ask "Where is he?"
Now he look confuse more than shock.
"Hero, Felix, tell me where is he? I know everything. I know he is in depression, now will you tell me where is he?" I ask but annoyed with his reaction.
"Um he is in his room."
I turn and start to head the room when he calls my name again.
"When did you came back?"
"A month ago, Felix I don't have time for all this nonsense. Can take care of Freddie?"
"He is your son?" he ask more shocked and I'm getting annoyed by his never ending questions.
"What do you think? If he wasn't my child why would I bring him here?"
"No, I didn't mean it that way, I mean is this hero's son?"
I didn't answer the question instead ask him another question.
"How did he find out about Juliet? Is he having nightmare? Had he ate anything?" I ask
"First, yes I'll take of your son until you are there with him. Second, after last year's valentine party where he met you after he cane home. He was behaving strange, he was always on call. Talking with someone. After few days I went to talk with him and he told me everything about that day and why he was always on phone that he was trying to find out about everything you told him that day. When he found out the truth about Juliet that she indeed using him. He left her.  But you know what Jo, he wasn't sad about Juliet. Who was using him.To whom he claim that he love her. He was sad that he didn't believe you, that he was the person who hurt you the most. He was the person because of whom you left home. He accuse us all when tired to make him feel good. That it was also our fault that we didn't believe you. We should have believed you that day Jo. We miss you. After he found out about everything, he tired to find you but he couldn't, he did everything in his power, he went to your assistant in your hospital begged him to give him your number but didn't, she said it will cost her, her job. Slowly he started getting depressed, he stopped eating, coming out of his room. I still remember that day when he tired to kill himself. I don't know what would have happen that day if I hadn't came on time to stop him. After that day he started having nightmares and he is always screaming your name in his nightmares. I tired to ask him about it but he wouldn't utter a word. He don't even talk anymore. He just say your name continously. He just sit on the bed with a photo yours in his hand  and calling out your name in whisper, nothing other than that. He bearly take bath. He don't come out of his room. He hadn't ate anything in three days. You are the last hope jo. We are sorry, Jo. I'm sorry, please forgive me, please. Can't we be friends like the way we used to be."

I didn't say anything about his last statement about our friendship. I want us to be the way we used to be but what they did, I can't forgive it. I hadn't forgive anyone not even Hero. I love him so much. But just because I love him that doesn't mean I'll forgive anything he do or say. I place Freddie on couch and kiss him on his cheek and say "Baby, mommy need to do something, sit here and play with this uncle, I'll be back soon." he nod his head and look at Felix, who is looking at me.

I turn to him and say "Take care of him, if he cry's than you are dead. Keep that in mind and let him sit on couch only don't take him in your arms. You will lose him I know that." I say and glare at him.
"Hey, I'm not that bad babysitter. I'm not even a babysitter but I'll take care of him by the what is his name?"
"Nice name"
"I know" I smirk.
"Hey, give me some food, I'll feed him."
He nod and went to kitchen, made a plate and hand it to me.

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