08: Understand

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Moonlight shone bright across the room. The wind soothes the air with its gentle touch while two men lay down in their beds as time silently passed them. Heinly looked over the sleeping Dainsleif. He had known for some time now but he couldn't get used to the feeling of butterflies in his stomach whenever he was faced by a very gorgeous man.

Though this man had displayed such... A strong way of "caring". The face he's displaying now erases the thought of this person being pushy. And instead was replaced by an image of a soft and warm person.

Heinly felt strange, he had been unable to sleep for a while. Sighing he looked up at the wooden ceiling to think for a while.

Heinly was still paranoid about what was happening around him, especially when Dainslief picked him up from the air. But he was glad that Dain only placed him on the bed and kissed him goodnight on the forehead.

Such an action... Could it be that they're lovers in the past until now?

It would only make sense, the way Dainsleif cared for Heinly felt natural, as if he had done this before and would do it again.

But it is strange, could this place really be an alternate universe? Where there is no main protagonist that moved in an academy despite her poor upbringing? Where there was no wedding that was destroyed, and no reason for my death?

It could only be the possible truth. Even if Heinly in the modern world didn't play the visual novel, he could still get around with the basic plot and could know when things were deviating from their original ways.

Heinly sighed and looked at Dainsleif once more, but only to be greeted by azure eyes and a sweet grin. "Couldn't sleep?"

Heinly almost jumped, he felt his heart leaping from his chest, but he calmed down. Slowly he nodded. "Did I disturb you? I apologise to Mr. Artimus."

Dainslief chuckled softly, his breath tickled Heinly's nose. He lifted his palms to soothe Heinly's cheeks and slightly scolded him. "I already told you to drop with formalities, you're making me sulk."

Heinly twitched and almost choked.

This man, what is he doing to me!

If there is one thing Heinly couldn't stand, it's definitely being softened up. He gets embarrassed and sensitive every time someone else soothes him like that.

Dainslief notices the tinges of red glowing on Heinly's ear and sighed. "Come on, don't be like that. Call me Ichi like you once did."


The name ran chimes into Heinly's head. He couldn't make sense of it but It sounded familiar. He inwardly shook the thought out of his head and shyly nodded. "Sorry, Ichi..."

Why Ichi though? It sounds... nevermind.

Dainsleif smiled and reached his arms towards Heinly's figure, circling his waist and bringing him close until his chin rested on top of Heinly's crown.

Heinly was flustered and tried not to panic, he silently allowed Dainslief to do what he wanted and stayed put. He suddenly noticed a soft rhythmic beat of Dain's heart playing in front of him and couldn't help but notice how it matched with his own.

He blushed and silently breathed for a while before closing his eyes, drifting to sleep.

Well, one thing we know of for sure is that they're lovers.

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