16: Lucid

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It was the ash-like snow.

Heinly opened his eyes to find himself lying down upon heaps of ash-like snow. The skies were gray and ashes fell like it was a blizzard. And there was a tinge of red and orange from Heinly's peripheral vision, but he didn't notice it until the side of his face felt hot.

Heinly shook up, but recoiled. It felt as if he was stabbed by something near his abdomen. He struggled to stand up but the flames were threatening him not to. He looked around for exits but couldn't help but notice the familiar scenery in front of him that was burning to ashes.

It's... A classroom? Not just that but a modern classroom?

It felt strange, for about a month Heiny had become accustomed to the furniture Dainslief had in his mansion. The abaca chairs, the embroidered sofas and the warm wooden floors.

But all he could see now is a set of chairs and tables scrambled about everywhere, books and papers scattered, windows broken and a burnt chalkboard.

What... is this?

Heinly had felt that these dreams were becoming more and more ridiculous. He wanted to find answers about these but all he got was more questions. He pushed himself up and slowly dragged himself towards the doorway of the classroom all while avoiding getting burnt in the process.

"Oi! Are you okay?!"

There was a familiar voice calling out to him, he wanted to see who it was but the fire kept him from doing so.

"Help! I'm injured!"

Heinly shouted back, it didn't matter who it was, as long as he could be kept out of here alive. The other person neared Heinly and positioned themselves to hold him up while they escaped outside.

Heinly slightly saw the person who helped him, he was a highschool male student. His clothes were dirty and had some tinge of blood in it, possibly from an injury. While Heinly got held up by the male student, he couldn't help but notice the similarity in their height and build.

Once they got outside Heinly looked back at the burning building and was stunned.

It's my highschool!

It was indeed Heinly's or rather... Han's previous highschool.

But from what I've remembered of high school back then it was fine... Could this world be another universe? Wait, how would that make sense? I'm dreaming of another world??

Heinly thought further but didn't go anywhere. He got too distracted and almost forgot about the person who saved him. He turned back to the student who helped him to say his thanks.

"Ah, by the way, thank you for...?!"

Heinly flinched, what he saw was a splitting image of himself. A highschool version of Hans.

"Ah, there's no need to thank me. It was an obligation to help other students."

But Heinly couldn't reply, he was too stunned to say anything. Which made 'Hans' smile.

"Oh dear. Are you surprised? I also didn't expect to see the fortunate one on my own territory."

The fortunate one?

"Yes, that's you. The fortunate one."

Heinly couldn't help but be surprised. It was as if the 'Hans' in front of him was reading his mind.

"W-who... Who are you?" Heinly couldn't help but squeak.

'Hans' smiles towards the question. "That's a dumb thing to ask... Me? Well... Technically I am you"

"I don't understand..."

"It doesn't matter if you do. What matters is that you should go back to your own world, you fortunate one."

Heinly couldn't help but be baffled. "Why are you referring to me as 'the fortunate one'?"

'Hans' smile faded and was replaced by a solemn expression. "Well... For one thing, you have what I don't have. A sense of righteousness, endearment, courage, and a person who cherishes you..."

'Hans' resonated with the last statement. But quickly overcame his longing.

"Well... It doesn't matter now. What you should need to know is that I am you and you were once a part of me. Anyways goodbye."

Heinly was startled, he wanted to ask more about 'Hans' but he was pushed off to a black pit.


'Hans' watched as Heinly fell. As Heinly's figure shrank towards the void, his eyes became cold. He sighed, closing the void. He looked up towards the burning building.

"How many years has it been burning?"

'Hans' slowly walked up towards the burning building. He saw the ravaging fire that endlessly consumed a part of the building, he could also see his memories about this place being burned as well.

"You have been burning for centuries, leaving piles of snow-like ash in your wake. Your ashes even fled towards other places."

'Hans' couldn't help but think about the person who just left a while ago. He sighed one more time.

"Really... How annoying. I need to ask that bastard for help."

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