26: Aftershock

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Heinly couldn't feel anything. His body felt light, but it felt heavy at the same time, like he was being dragged around in mud. And there were so many things that drove through his mind. He couldn't help but feel restless.

... Is this really it?

It was pathetic, really. Living his third life finally finding the one he was hoping to see once more, but losing it in the end. It was like he was catching a leaf being blown by the wind.

He didn't know what to feel after all the things he'd been through. There was shock, despair, frustration... but that was it. Maybe it hadn't sunk in yet. Or maybe he got used to it and didn't expect anything else.

Either way he felt empty, tired, and disgusting.

And eventually Heinly closed his eyes and everything around him turned black.


In the same space of nothingness there was something floating. It tried to move but it couldn't.

... Is this really the end?

Dainsleif tried to shift his body. But the empty space wouldn't let him. It felt like he was trapped in a coffin.

The more he struggled, the more he felt bound and he became frustrated. And eventually, he was lashing out.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!!

If he could move freely, he would have placed his head in his hands in frustration.

I was... I was so close. Yet why...!

Dainslief gritted his teeth as he recalled what happened before entering the darkness.


Rain pelted through the forest like it was trying to muffle the gunshot that echoed through it and disappeared as fast as it was casted.

Julius withdrew the shotgun he was holding and looked at the assassin's corpse. There was no doubt that the assassin was sent by the Higher Order. They were sent to kill both Heinestus and Julius while also killing anyone who interfered.

He inwardly cringed at the thought.

He refused to look at the corpse again, putting on a scorned face. He planted his eyes towards the unfortunate pair.

Dainsleif stood frozen, unable to believe what was in front of him. A body, covered in blood, rain, and mud, that was plopped in front of him.

And that body was Heinestus Lainly, or to Dainsleif's eyes, Haruki.


Dainsleif drew himself closer towards Heinly's body. He still had hope that maybe the shot didn't hit a vital part. But the cold lifeless body proved otherwise.

And when he realised that, he screamed. He screamed until his head hurt, he screamed until he felt tears in his eyes. It was painful. No matter how many times this had happened, Haruki's death would always end up being the most painful thing he could ever experience.

But even after what happened, nothing stopped for them as Julius sensed a faint presence nearby.

"Dainslief, go take-"

Before he could even finish, a loud gunshot echoed and his chest was tainted with red as he dropped to the ground like some ragged doll.

"Sorry, Julius. Orders are orders, and they are obsolete. Yet you have defied them."

The figure said as they clicked their tongue, reloading the gun in their hands before turning towards Dainsleif.

But Dainslief was still sitting in a daze. His eyes became lifeless as he felt his body getting heavy and damp by the rain. He only cared about One thing and without it, his life became meaningless.

The assassin didn't let this opportunity pass. He propped his gun towards Dainslief's head before pulling the trigger.


Dainslief struggled once more before giving up. After frustratingly thrashing around for a while he felt tears brimming in his eyes.

He felt useless.

He felt drained.

He felt frustrated.

He couldn't understand why this was happening to both him and Haruki. What did they do wrong? Was it because they were together? because it was wrong? Or is it because of how this world works? Only pain and suffering.

He sobbed, his head was a mess and he felt tired. He only wanted to be held like how Haruki used to. He wanted to be in his arms. He wanted the way Haruki made him forget about his problems.

He wanted Haruki, and he'll say it again if needed. And that was his last thought before light consumed him.

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