01: A Journalists Small Life

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There is this running fame over a Historical-Romance Visual Novel that was released earlier this year.

The visual novel is called 'My Lover is a Noble', and sadly, its fame and popularity didn't come from the visual novel's story line nor their characters. The plot goes like this: there is this poor girl who's 'unexpectedly' chosen to enroll in a high class academy where nobles would eventually harass her for her poor origins, the male lead helps her, and 'unexpectedly' she's revealed to be a daughter of a High classed family, found out that her male lead is actually a Noble and marries her and they live happily ever after. There were some events that involved a villain that tried to mess with the wedding of the main character but ultimately failed and resulted into his demise.

As if! No wonder it received the least ratings in Goo*le St*re. The only unique thing about this visual novel was how it is set in the Postcolonial period of the Philippines.

But what really made the boring visual grow into intense popularity to the point everyone started rioting?

That was because of the extra scenes that were dropped by the author not too long ago!

But what was in the extra scene you ask? The extra scene revealed that the male lead of the story... Is actually queer and had feelings for the male villain of the story.


Yeah, kinda scandalous right?

To be honest, if you ask me, it really isn't an issue and it's downright queerbait. But it's because of those crazy Fujo-Danshis that the visual novel became a bigger issue.

They rioted all over T*itter saying that it could've been better if the Genre was changed to BL..

And I honestly cannot blame them. The original story was already so... stale, maybe turning it into a BL would make it good, even if it's just by a little. But I honestly doubt it.

And since the issue has become bigger, a lot of people wanted answers. So, a company hired me to interview the author. And since I want to make money, I'm going to milk this opportunity and schedule an interview with the author today!

I can already hear my money bustling from those crazy Fujo-Danshis...


Hans walked out the door of the cafe with a vanilla milk tea in his hand. He breathed in the air as he collected himself, ready to meet with the author of the recently famed visual-novel: Evangel.

The more he thought about it, the more his mood rose.

Hans held the card the author's editor gave him and read the address that was printed in it. Workshop X, 2nd floor. He looked up and saw that there was a busy road up ahead but that didn't stop him from smiling ear to ear.

He patiently waited at the side of the road as the cars went by. And as soon as the traffic light turned red, he immediately walked as fast as he could, afraid that the opportunity of money making would disappear if he were to delay things any longer.

Money... I can already feel you in my arms...

Hans grinned slyly as he imagined the heaps of money that he would receive when the article goes live.

All went well until a loud horn bleared from the road.

Hans swiftly turned in panic as he saw a large truck coming in towards him. His eyes widened as he tried to break out from the stumping fear he was feeling but he wasn't fast enough to move away and met his untimely demise.

A loud crash echoed in the streets as people saw the scene with various reactions. Some people had horrified looks, some with despair, some screamed, some couldn't move, and some called the ambulance immediately. But even with all these different reactions, all of them pitied the man who got hit.

It's kind of sad to think that a very normal day turned out to be the end of someone else's life. The Journalist's life was unfortunately small.

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