24: Heinestus Part 2

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5 years have passed.

In that period of time, Heinly and Dainsleif grew quite close. And they are now classmates in a National School.

Heinly, given by his meticulous nature, tried to cautiously manipulate their entire relationship. So that slowly, Dainsleif will fall for him.

Heinly showed Dainslief both Heinestus, and Haruki. So that Dainsleif would feel a sense of nostalgia while helping him remember a bit of his past.


It was night time. He and Heinly were positioned in one bed facing the window. The soft moonlight glowed through the glass, creating a soothing stream of light.

"You know, you remind me of someone..." Dainsleif slowly said as he shifted his body to face Heinly.

Heinly's heart ringed when he heard this.

...is he, recalling...?

Heinly turned to Dainsleif, silently praying.


"It's as if I knew you from a past life..." Dainsleif smiled. Heinly's heart almost ached when he saw him smile.

"Yeah... You too... Remind me of someone..." Heinly slowly admitted.

"Really, is it that person you mistook me for 5 years ago? What were they like?" Dainslief asked, placing the palm of his hand to his cheeks in a playful way as he listened to Heinly.


Heinly immediately took this chance.

"Well... I only remember small parts, but... Daichi's kind, funny, and sweet. He always has this soft look whenever he turns to me. Whenever I'd feel awful, the first thing He'd do is hold my hand and say that things will turn alright.

And sometimes even if things would get difficult, Daichi would always... always prioritise me over anything. Daichi's also stubborn, whenever things get out of hand with someone he'd always get the right hand over anything. But funny enough he would never argue with me"

Heinly slowly turned his head towards Dainsleif, trying to see his reaction.

Dainslief chuckled softly, "They seem to be nice. And speaking of past life, I think I may have dreamt of mine."

Heinly was baffled but he tried to listen...

Is it working...?

"I've dreamt of someone whom I'd probably loved. Someone I'm willing to never forget.

A good person, smart, always calm and collected, but mischievous at the same time. Whenever I hear them laugh, or see them smile I always have this uplifting feeling in my heart..."

While listening, Heinly's heart began to race.

Please... remember... Daichi...

"Well I guess that's it from me. It'd be crazy if we ever meet them in this life. If I do meet mine, I might marry them." Dainslief said, propping his back in the bed staring at the ceiling.

Heinly stared at him with a sense of longing and despair.

That's me... That's me you're talking about... I'm right here...

"Well then we might as well go back to sleep. Goodnight Dain..." Heinly slowly leapt off of Dainslief's bed to go to his own.

Dainslief yawns, "Yeah, goodnight..."

That night, Heinly cried until he slept.


"Heinly, hey!" Dain greeted Heinly from beyond the classroom.

It was noon and people were gathering towards the cafeteria for lunch.

Heinly saw him and waved back. Dain seemed to be giddy all of a sudden. Dainslief reaches towards Heinly as he rings his arm in Heinly's neck.

"I gotta tell you something, Heinly!" Dainslief almost yelled.

"Ouch, my ears! They're bleeding!" Heinly laughed, palming his ears.

Dain, "Sorry... But do you remember what I said to you last night?"

Heinly, "Which one?"

Dain, "You know, the past life thing. I promised that if I found the person in my dreams I'm going to marry them."

Heinly's heart suddenly stopped. He stared at Dain's face who seemed excited about this.

Is he... referring to me or...

Dain, "And I think I saw her earlier. In one of the lectures, she really fits the descriptions of my dreams!"

Heinly felt like his world was freezing, there was a sense of shock and numbness he felt whenever Dain continued to speak as if it was mumbled.


"Did you get her name yet?" Heinly asked, trying to calm himself.

Dain, "Ah, not yet. But whatever, I've heard that she was a commoner. But I didn't care, I already asked for her hand in marriage."

It was then, that moment Dain said that broke him.

"Ah... That's great!" Heinly faked a smile.

"Hey... Are you okay, you seem pale." Dain tried to touch Heinly's face, but the other boy avoided.

"Yeah I'm fine, but I think I'm going back to the dorms... I have felt really off since this morning..." Heinly tried to put up excuses before ripping himself off of Dainsleif.

Dain, "Hey, I could go with you, if you're sick I can get you medicine."

Heinly gritted his teeth. He didn't want to speak anymore since he might say something unnecessary.



I tried so hard, but still...

How is it like this... Marrying someone else? How could you do this to me Daichi...

Is this punishment? Was it because I was too selfish?

He sobbed, his heart ached while his breath hitched.

There was a knock on the door.


The voice was soft, and it showed concern. Every time Heinly hears this he couldn't help it but feel a burn in his heart.

He turned his body away from the door. Afraid that Dainslief might catch him crying.

He heard the door open and quickly shut his eyes.

Footsteps reeled in and after a while Heinly felt his bed shift.

"I guess you're asleep..." Dainslief turned towards the sleeping figure of Heinly.

Dainslief hovered his hand towards Heinly. He knew... Dainslief knew very well of Heinly's feelings for him.

But it was unfortunate enough that he couldn't reciprocate Heinly's feelings.

Dainslief withdrew his hand and clenched it.

If only he was a woman, or if they were poor, maybe things would've been easier for them. Maybe if they weren't nobles with high expectations around them, then maybe things could have ended differently.

If only... Maybe I can too, love you.

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