17: Julius

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Heinly quickly opened his eyes. He noticed that he wasn't in that burning classroom anymore and calmed down. He wanted to think about the 'dream' he had earlier but the scene in front of him stopped him from doing so.

It wasn't the room he was familiar with. It was dark, and it felt suffocating. It was spacious but compared to Dainslief's room it felt cold and empty. He tried to breathe in more air but it wouldn't let him.

But that wasn't because of the atmosphere of the room. Something... No someone's arm was above his chest, making it uncomfortable to breathe.

"Oh? Are you awake? Took you long enough."

A raspy voice tickled Heinly's earlobes making him shiver. He wanted to take a look at the person beside him but his instincts told him not to be curious.

"Why aren't you looking at me? I'm going to sulk."

A hand gripped Heinly's jaw and forced him to face the person.

"There you go~" the man grinned wickedly.

Heinly tried to speak but the hard grip of the hand made it difficult to say anything.


Wtf?! I don't know this man!

It was quite unfortunate indeed, being kidnapped by someone you don't know... You won't even know what the reason is...

Heinly cursed himself for not finishing the visual novel, but even so what if this man didn't appear in the novel and is a part of this parallel universe.

"W-who are you?"

Heinly whispered, silently praying that he wouldn't get killed.


The man went silent.

Shit! Did I do something wrong? Oh god what if he's part of Heinestus' past, I'm screwed!

Before Heinly could do anything to change what he said, the man reached towards a lamp and switched it on. Light soon followed behind him which dimly showed his sharp features, bronze skin, dark messy hair, and a scar in his face. He is indeed quite a handsome person.

"Ah of course. It's dark, and it has been a long time since we've last spoken, so you wouldn't recognize me by my voice right away...

But to answer your question, I'm Julius, a subordinate of the Escra group."

Heinly stared at him in a daze, he really has a shameful weakness towards handsome men. But quickly snapped out of it as he remembered that name.

"Escra...? You mean, you were the one who killed Heine- I mean, my family?"

Heinly tried to raise his voice, but he couldn't do so as fear clung to him. Though he was never personally close with Heinestus's own family, he should at least avenge them in respect since he's occupying Heinly's body.

"What do you want from me?"

Heinly shifted nervously, if this was indeed the man that killed Heinestus's family, then the only reason why he was kidnapped was so that Julius could finish the whole Lainly family off.

He glared at the man in front of him, observing him as he smirked.

The man hummed, seemingly looking at the side as if he were thinking about Heinly's question.

"Well... I want you."

Heinly paled as white sheets.

Julius saw this and laughed.

"I know what you're thinking, but no. I'm not here to kill you. Why else would you be in my own bed?"

Heinly tried to act calm but the words that kept coming out of this man's mouth won't let him.

"Y-you're not going to touch me. I-I belong to someone else a-already."

Heinly felt hot tears near his eyes, never in his life has he felt that his own body would be threatened. He has never been in such situations before so he would never know what to do.

Heinly became uncomfortable, he tried to move himself away from Julius but he soon noticed that he couldn't. Everytime he moved there was an uncomfortable tightness around his wrists and legs.


The man in front of him just stared Heinly down. His cool eyes glazed him all over. He was amused by Heinly's complexion changing every time. He chuckled and undid the ropes on Heinly's wrists.

"Don't worry, I won't force you to do anything you don't like."

This man is dangerous...

"But it's strange... Why do you act like you're going to avenge a family you're not even familiar with."

Heinly froze.


Does he know...?

"Hm~ It's okay, there's no need to be shy. I know you're not the real Heinestus."

Heinly's world became numb. He had never expected to be caught like this.

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