19: Hostage?

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Heinly was about to cry. He has been here with Julius for about 5 days. And within those days he had found incredibly useful information.

The Escra's did kill Heinestus's entire family. But they were only hired to do the job. In fact, the entire House Lainly's fall was purely political.

The Higher Order were afraid of powerful and successful houses. Because it would mean that people would want those houses to rise in power. So they hired the Escra group, a bunch of mercenaries, to do the job and exterminate the house.

The only reason why Heinestus was still alive today was because of good luck. When the accident happened in the House Lainly - the entire time - Heinestus was drunk in a tavern a good distance away from his home.

It was fortunate, really, that Heinestus was still alive today. But still, what did he feel when he realised that he had lost his family. Heinly could only sigh. He looked at the side and saw Julius cleaning his bag. He frowned and looked away.

And this man...

The reason why he was kidnapped was because the Higher Order was still cautious. They didn't want the surviving Lainly blood to run around and cause them trouble. So originally, they had him kidnapped and killed.

But Julius, a new member of the group Escra, was asked by a 'captivating person' to help Heinly into surviving. He was also told that the current Heinly wouldn't dare try anything because he isn't himself anymore.

But that's the tricky thing about this situation. Julius knew that the current Heinestus is different from the previous Heinestus, but when?

-5 days ago-

"Hm~ It's okay, there's no need to be shy. I know you're not the real Heinestus."

Heinly's world became numb. He had never expected to be caught like this. He didn't know what to say, he wanted to tell the truth but... To a stranger? What would it cost him? He also didn't want to deny, so he opted in saying nothing. Giving Julius a small hint.

"Well, it won't matter now."

Julius mused, shifting his position so that he would face the ceiling, he rested his arms on the back of his head.

Heinly still felt uncomfortable. Sleeping beside a man who just kidnapped you, usually things like these happen in fictional stories.

Uh... Well, this is technically a fictional story.

Heinly inwardly sighs.

-Back to present-

Heinly sighs, hanging his head and gazing upon the ceiling. He thought about how much time he had wasted doing nothing with Julius.


He couldn't help but think about how worried Dain might have been.

"Thinking about your lover?"

A deep voice intervenes Heinly's train of thought. Julius appeared so abruptly Heinly jumped.

"Why do you have to sneak up on me like that?"

Heinly half-yelled, holding his hand on his chest and feeling his heart pumping swiftly.

Julius snorted.

"I didn't sneak up on you. You just didn't notice me."

Heinly looks at the amused man with eyes filled with disdain. But Julius laughs at him.

"No, but seriously. You're probably wondering where your boyfriend is right?"

Heinly blushes at the words 'boyfriend'. To which Julius muses.

"...Heinestus wouldn't look like that if it were me."

Heinly couldn't catch what he said since it was mumbled. But he could figure out what it was.

Were they together before?

"Hey, aren't you curious how I knew you weren't Heinestus?"

Heinly hesitates. When they were together the whole time, he noticed that Julius isn't all that bad as he thought he would be. Sure, he basically kidnapped Heinly, but there was something about his attitude towards Heinestus that made him change his overall prejudice against him.

The way he speaks towards Heinly, his eyes would always have a glint of happiness whenever they spoke. But when it's over he would have this solemn look.


"Well, for starters. Whenever we would meet, Heinestus wouldn't be able to look me straight in the eyes. He would always have this contempt look on his face every time we'd be in the same place."

Julius lightly laughs as he remembers.

"Were you... Together back then?" Heinly couldn't help but ask.

Julius's eyebrows rose in surprise, but he continued.

"Yes... Well sort of. We weren't together like a couple. We're basically sex partners."

Heinly choked on his spit.

T-this body... What?! Is Heinestus the casanova or what?!

Heinly coughed trying to get the thought of Julius and Heinestus in one bed out of his head.

"I thought he was just a writer..."

"He was more than that. He was amazing. A person who would always take a step forward. Confident, Meticulous, and a little bit daring."


Heinly thought about what Julius had said.

Wait... Isn't this different from how Dainslief sees him?

"So I was a bit surprised when I found out he was together with Dainslief."

"Huh? How so?"

"Well, both of them seemed like an odd couple. A mysterious dark knight, paired with a flashy knight."

Heinly thinks about the image and chuckles.

The Fujo-danshi's in my original world would probably think otherwise.

But the more Heinly thought about it the more it felt weird.

"Wait... How long were Heinestus and Dainslief together for?"

"Hm? I'm not too sure myself, their relationship was kept hidden. But if I were to assume I would think that they're together for 2 years?"

Two years?! If so...

"And... you easily found out that I was different from the original Heinestus right?"

"Yeah I suppose...? What's wrong?"

Heinly realized something at that moment. Dainslief might have already known that the Heinestus he once knew had been replaced by someone else.

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