23: Heinestus

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There was light.

Where am I?

Haruki wondered. He felt his whole body floating in an unknown substance that enveloped him, making his body contract.

The unknown substance that kept him from moving was wet, warm, and viscous.

Haruki tried to recall what happened last time and froze.

Did I get buried along the ground?

How am I alive?

Where's Daichi's body?

He tried to move but it was futile, he struggled but the viscous material surrounding him made it seemed impossible.

Soon, Haruki heard voices.


Ah... Help...!

Haruki tried to scream but his mouth wouldn't open. Slowly, the voices became clearer, so he tried to pry his ears.

"-ush slo-"

He tried to listen but he could only hear muffled voices. Is it because of the dirt?




He tried to think about what's happening to him. But before he could, he felt an opening. And slowly, light filled the room.

And that was how he was born again as with his past life's memories intact.


By now, Haruki would be 13 years old.

And he's known as the Marquis Lainley's son: Heinestus.

He tried to look at his appearance in a mirror and found that he didn't really look quite different in his past life.

Speaking of which, how can he remember his past life? He contemplated this and immediately thought of Daichi. His heart aches when he's reminded of the lover from his past life. And that's when he realised something.

Is he here...?

Heinly silently hoped.


Heinestus is the youngest child among 3 siblings. The first and eldest son, Abethius, is the heir of the family name Lainley that worked with their father, Arkus, in the military. The second and eldest daughter, Ellouise, is a famous strategist and a businesswoman alongside their mother, Methia.

Heinly was really uncomfortable with this sudden change of environment and culture. Especially with manners and etiquette. Heinly could only silently pray that he would get used to it.

There were so many unchangeable habits because of how he got so used to his poor life back in Hinawa. So couldn't help but feel inferior to his own family.

But surprisingly, there was no pressure around Heinly. No academic, nor political pressure. Is it because he's the youngest?


Life kept on like that. Dallying through soft green meadows in the morning with his parents, Arkus and Methia Lainly. While eating snacks in the afternoon with his older siblings, Abethius and Elloiuse.

Until that fateful day.

There was an invitation for the Lainley family, a gathering of sorts for nobles from what Heinly heard.

When they arrived at the place Heinly was told by his parents to look around and meet some friends his age, while reminding him to not get lost.

At first Heinly was shy, but then he remembered that he was mentally older than the kids here.

He went about meeting new people, there he met a young girl with pigtails, her name was Anastasia. She reminded him of his younger brother from his past life. A cheerful and loud character so they bonded pretty easily.

Thinking about it now, if he didn't leave the household, could he and his younger siblings be this close?

Heinly shook his head, throwing the thought out. He reminded himself.

Things have changed, this is a new life.

"Heinestus, where are you going after this?"

"I'm not sure myself, but I think I'm going to look around more."

"I see, anyways, whatever you do, be careful around here. I've heard that there's a really mean boy bullying kids around."

A mean boy?

Weirdly enough, Heinly was interested in looking for that mean boy. He probably wanted to see what a spoiled noble would look like.

"Where is he? Can I see him?" Heinly asked,

"Are you sure? He's over there, his name is Dainslief, but be careful though." Anastasia warned.

"I'll be okay, thanks!" Heinly waved and walked towards the boy Anastasia pointed.

"Good morning young sir, the name is Heinest-"

At that moment when their eyes crossed with the boy he felt his heart skip and time felt like not stopped for a while.


Heinly was dumbfounded, he stood there frozen along with his thoughts. He could only think about the boy who was in front of him, who had the face of his lover from his past life.

The Daichi now still had that quiet attitude with him. His face is a huge poker face, along with closely knitted brows and a frown. Though he is named differently, the resemblance is undeniable.

And whenever he sees it, it will always, without fail, remind him of the love that was once born between him and Daichi.


Heinly was quickly cut off in his trance.

"Ah... Ah! Sorry, the names Heinestus... Heinestus Lainly." He reached out his hand as a polite gesture, the boy took it and shook his hand.

"Dainsleif Artimus"


Heinly thought that Dainslief also remembers his past life as Daichi. He tried to poke out a reaction from him.

"Say, uhm... Do you remember me?" Heinly asked, his heart shaking as he silently prayed.

Dainslief paused for a while, thinking "Sorry, but this is the first time I've met you"

Heinly instantly felt crushed, but he didn't give in yet. Just when Dainslief was about to leave, he slowly called...



Heinly prayed, he wanted for Dainslief to recall that name.

Dainslief stopped, looked back and



"Ah, sorry nevermind. I might have mistook you for someone else..."

Heinly tried to suppress his emotions.

How could I be selfish?! I wished for Daichi to be well off in the next life... And now that he is, how could I ever interfere?

This life is different from the last. It's natural for Dainslief to forget... Or maybe me remembering my past memories was just a coincidence.

But I won't give up. Maybe... I can be selfish. I love Daichi too much. And I can't just let go just because he hadn't remembered his past life.

I will... I will make him fall for me again! I swear!

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