10: Dine

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-But it was too late, though you're in my arms, your body was cold as ice.

Heinly didn't know what time it was but he definitely felt warm all over. He lazily stretched and rolled over to the side only to feel strong arms enveloping his waist tighten. He yelped and was about to push the arm away but was instead greeted by a lazy, handsome looking man. His heart stopped to process what he's seeing right now.

Long lashes, soft lips, chiseled face, and an open chest.

Uhm... Breakfast in bed I guess-

Before he could finish his little eye feast a knock on the door sounded in the room. It was the butler that showed Heinly his... I mean, Dainslief's room. The butler spoke in Spanish so Heinly didn't even bother in trying to understand anymore. But he was kind of hopping that the butler wasn't speaking to him and was instead calling for Dainslief.

And it was indeed the case, to which Dainslief groaned and focused it's half opened eyes on Heinly, giving him a goofy smile and a lazy greeting.

"Morning, Heinly..."

Heinly stiffened and tried not to squeal. Not forgetting to greet back.

"You too, Ichi..."

Damn this man is doing too much first thing in the morning. I wasn't ready for that.

After fixing their appearance they moved and sat in the dining room. As usual, the room was large, large enough to probably host at least 3 groups of teenagers. The long table was situated in the middle, properly positioned to match with the hanging chandelier. The walls were still made of wood including the floors and there was a carpet long enough to match the dining table's length. While a large window sill was propped at the end of the dining room.

Heinly sat across Dainsleif, he thought about how awkward it looked for two people to sit at a very long table.

It took some time, but Heinly understood that he and Dainslief were somewhat lovers, and were close enough to call each other by their nicknames. So he wanted to be as comfortable as possible so that Dainslief wouldn't notice anything strange. But it was difficult being that he didn't know what kind of person Heinestus was when he's around Dainsleif. He could only observe and assume.

Heinly wanted to initiate a conversation, but he didn't know what to say first. So he couldn't help but stare at the empty table helplessly.

Dainslief noticed and smiled "Are you that hungry? You always absent-mindedly stare like that whenever we wait for food."

Bingo! There you go, a hint!

"Oh, sorry. Was it that obvious?"

"Don't apologise, it's cute."


Heinly almost choked blood. In his almost 21 years of living, he had never encountered such forward flirting before. He only had one night stands here and there with no strings attached. But being softened up by someone this handsome... Gosh, even the heavens wouldn't know what would happen next.

Heinly coughed. "...you talk too much."

Dainsleif slowly reached towards Heinly's hand, rubbing his fingers against the knuckles of the person in front of him, his eyes slyly gleaming. "Sorry, couldn't help it."

oH you better stop-

Before Heinly could jump on Dainsleif, the butler came in with the food ready. There were two plates of steaming fresh rice with pork adobo toppings, a pinakbet on the side, and a jug of water right in the butler's arms.

Now Heinly was definitely hungry. Too bad there was no appetiser... Oh wait there's already one in front of him.

Ah, I'd never thought I would see the moment where I'd have everything I need. I should be grateful, I have a nice house, some good service, good food, and a free rich boyfriend.

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