03: A Panicked State

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There was silence, and all I ever knew was you.

Like a wave crashing down, Hans jerked up, startling himself. He felt dizzy but he continued on running.

Running? What am I running for?

He paused for a second, he could feel his heart racing, his breath unsteady, and the spooky silence that engulfed the air.

...where am I?

Hans was getting a little tired from these little random teleportation sequences. He immediately remembered that desolated place covered in ash-like snow with the young man who fell in the hole. He looked around to see a thick forest that stretched onto what seemed like forever.

...is this the garden of Eden??

It was a little difficult to see, maybe it's already dark outside.

Hans tried to calm himself down, and thought for a moment about the situation he was in. But the more he thought about it, the more he got confused and muddled-headed.

He decided to stop thinking altogether, if he couldn't understand something, then the best thing to do was to smile and pretend.

He suddenly heard murmured sounds of people talking. Turning his head towards the sound, he walked slowly towards it.

He first saw two men carrying a lantern, they seemed to wear clothing that resembled a civil guard. It was indeed strange, it was as if he had travelled back to the past...

...no, that can't be it, right? Time traveling is already impossible by itself.

They were also speaking in a strange way. It was some sort of Tagalog...

Wait, is this Spanish?

The two men right now were speaking in perfect Spanish, but of course Hans couldn't verify that since he's not native to spanish himself.

He tried to calm his loudly beating heart and without realising it, slowly backed away. Only to feel a hand gripping his shoulders.

Hans almost screamed, he swiftly looked behind him and saw a tall burly civil guard that wore a very ugly expression on his face.

Hans tried to struggle, even trying to plead, but he remembered that he can't speak spanish and immediately stopped struggling. The burly man screamed at the top of his lungs, probably to call other guards.


What is this big bear screaming?!

As soon as he yelled, a group of young soldiers surrounded the place, including the two men holding the oil lamps.

Hans was shaking in fear, but before he could do anything a sharp pain coursed through his right shoulder and saw that the burly guard had tightly gripped Hans, thinking that he would try and escape..

Hans yelped as he was dropped on to the ground and held his throbbing shoulder. He sighed inwardly as he realised that his shoulder hadn't been broken.

He looked up to see two large men talking to each other. They were probably discussing what they were about to do with Hans that was sitting on the ground.

While the guards were talking they didn't notice that the man they threatened was trying to hold in his tears. Hans couldn't help but feel an immense sense of fear and despair. He forced himself to calm down but tears still fell from his eyes. He thought about the accident that led him to this horrible situation.

I just wanted to make some money and yet...

Is this hell? Why am I in hell? Did I transmigrate? Why was I transmigrated here???

He cried, lamenting at his pitiful self.

Hans later heard hoofbeats, he looked up and saw a man riding a strongly built horse. The image of the man was clean and bright, and he looked handsome and reformed. He wore clothing that was similar to the ones the guards were wearing but it was different enough to tell that this person was superior among the guards here in terms of rank.

The man looked at Hans with a face filled with regret and a little bit of yearning.

Hans also stared at the elegant figure. He looked too handsome but he also looked too familiar...

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