06: What For?

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"You'll be here with me until your false accusations are gone."

Heinestus sat in a momentary daze before realising what Dainsleif said.

...until my accusations are gone?

It was strange.

Is he helping Heinly?

Heinestus thought but disregarded it completely.

It could be a possibility, but it would be too far-fetched. It's true that Dainslief had feelings for Heinly, but we can't be certain about how deep those feelings are.

And plus, didn't Heinestus almost destroy the wedding of Dainsleif and his spouse? So why should Dainslief help him? Speaking of which- where is his wife?

Heinly looked up and finally started to notice the strange things that were occuring in front of him. It was too strange. But of course, Hans, the one inside Heinly's body, didn't fully know of the events of the story because he didn't play the visual novel. He only read some summaries here and there but never the details.

Heinly face-palms as he realised such a mistake. If he knew that he would get transmigrated into this world, he would have crammed on playing the visual novel.

But it was too late, he was already here and he didn't know how to escape it. He looked around and spotted the large wall mirror and approached it.

He was naturally curious about Heinestus's looks. To seduce Dainsleif - a soon to be married man - that easily, it would probably take a love potion for that to work.

But when Heinly got to look he was surprised. Not because he was too handsome, nor too pretty, but he was surprised to find Heinestus's face to be the same one with his own back in the modern world. Even the body size was similar. And it made Heinly confused even more.

My previous body in the modern world is the same as Heinestus's body now... So did I not transmigrate? Was I Isekai'd? Wait no, because how would Dainslief recognise me...

Heinly bit his lip, forcing the juices of his own brain to function at a level that hasn't been reached since the last time he had a math exam.

This could be of two possibilities, that is a parallel universe similar to the visual novel but different at the same time... Or this is a past life.

Heinly pondered on that possibility, but it was cut short by a knock from the door before revealing it to be the same butler from before.

"Master Heinestus, this servant will show you your resting chamber. Please, follow this humble servant."

Heinly was so concentrated on his own thoughts that he couldn't process what the butler said to him. So he just pretended to understand and nodded before nervously walking towards the tall man.

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