13: Accused

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When they got there, Heinestus was asked to be separated from Dainsleif. Heinly felt anxious, but he pushed on. He was bound by ropes in his wrists and was led into an empty dim lighted court like auditorium.

While being escorted, he saw people in black clothing around the corner of his eyes. Heinly was sure he saw them, but when he turned to look they disappeared like thin air.

Although lacking knowledge, Heinly wasn't stupid, he knew what kind of plot those people were brewing. He could only pray that maybe those people were only part of security. He breathed and climbed a wooden stairs leading to a stage like platform while he saw the guards talking to him.

For the entire time, he stood there confused. He didn't understand what the guards were telling him. And since they weren't communicating properly someone had to bring a translator for him. Heinly felt bad that they had to adjust, but he didn't do anything about it to avoid suspicion.

The translator told him that what will happen from now on will be a trial. The first part of the trial had already happen almost 3 weeks ago - the one which Heinestus had escaped -

Though it was forgiven because of certain circumstances that had happened, to which the translator didn't clarify.

Heinly stayed in the middle of the stage-like platform, he was supposed to wait there until the judge arrived. He looked around but he couldn't see Dainslief anywhere which made him more nervous than he already was.

Later on, people entered the auditorium. Each of them looked fancier than the next. It almost felt inappropriate since a trial was being held here. But Heinly obviously didn't try and mind them, not even trying to recognise each and one of them. Though some of them did look familiar, Heinly didn't put effort into remembering such individuals.

"Ungrateful murderer!"

The once silent auditorium was now a messy fit of screaming. There were some commoners trying to run towards the stage but the guards kept them from doing so.

"Ungrateful bastard!"

"You deserve this!"

Heinly stood there in shock, his eyes widened in surprise.

Excuse me?! Me? A murderer?

He didn't know whether to cry or laugh, this situation was too pitiful especially for a person like Heinly who didn't know what happened to deserve this.

"Order in the court!"

A booming voice sounded in the auditorium. There, in front of the platform Heinly was standing, a man in a dark cloak holding what seems to be a gavel and pounded it, creating a sharp clapping noise. He was seated in a high position, showing off the authority he had in this place. Heinly assumed that it was the judge.

The people who were once yelling profanities against Heiny, stopped and turned away to their seats.

A minute of silence passed by before the judge spoke once more.

"Heinestus Lainly, from the House Lainly. You are here because of the crime of murder and arson..."

Heinly gulped, his heart raced as each word surfaced from the judge's mouth.

"...of the whole Lainly property and its inhabitants."

The whole world stood still, and the air around Heinly went cold.

"The victims include, the Marquess, Methia Lainly. The eldest daughter, Eloiuse Lainly. The heir and eldest son, Abethius Lainly. And the Marquis, Arkus Lainly. These reputable people, including one fourth of the house staff. They're bodies were examined and it was noted that they passed from gunshot wounds, and burning."

Heinly felt sick, his complexion paled and his skin became damp with sweat.

Heinestus... Killed his own family?

His heart felt like dropping,

...no, that can't be. Is this the false accusation Dainslief talked about?

He thought and calmed down, breathing slowly to stabilise his heart.

Yes... It could only be it. But then who did kill Heinestus's family?

"But it has been brought to attention that the crimes you are accused of were only false allegations."

Loud gasps can be heard across the room. In the midst of the chaos there was a group of people standing from the side clicking their tongues.

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