The Bad Guy, Antisepticeye

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I've been 'alive' longer than them.

They don't understand.

They hate me and yet . . .

They don't know the truth.

What he's kept from them.

And yet I'M the enemy. Just because I tried to break them out of his webs.

I'M the enemy.

Because of course HE can't be.

He created us. So how could he possibly be the bad guy?

They don't know. They don't understand what he's done.

But I'll make them see.

Some Time Ago, Remembering . . .

Antisepticeye watched as they were created. He had been there for it.

At first he had been so happy for the creation of his new brothers.

He didn't see then the nefarious plans his creator had for them.

For him.

"It's gonna be great!" Sean had told him, "You'll see. Everyone's gonna love you guys"

But at what cost?

He didn't understand at the time.

He was just happy to finally have others to be around.

And then everything changed.

His new brothers, even before Anti met them . . . hated him. And he knew who to blame.

He was suddenly the bad guy to them but Anti knew the truth.

Ever since, he had been trying to discreetly get them to see. And yet every time, his plans were foiled by the very people he was trying to protect.

Maybe one day he'd be able to save them.

'I hope one day  . . .  one day we can be together as friends. The way it was supposed to be. . . What I believe it was supposed to be after all'


Present Day


Anti ran away. He had just managed to crash Sean's computer before escaping but it seemed now that he had sent Jackie after him.

It was odd then that the hero didn't see it. Sean only let them out of his head whenever he had use for them. Like now.

'How can they be THIS blind?! I swear, it's like they LIKE being manipulated!'

He skidded off into an alley. He wasn't quite ready to confront the hero yet. He was too strong for Anti to encounter so soon without preparation. If he tried to just talk to him now, Jackie wouldn't listen. He'd just think HE was trying to manipulate him!

No, talking to Jackie would have to come later.


Anti glitched into a light bulb that was placed above a back entrance door. He made the light flicker a little but hopefully it wouldn't be a dead giveaway.

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