The Critical Moment

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Anyone get 'Disowned' flashbacks from the last chap?

Marvin was curious.

Did anything he say to Henrik hit? Did the doctor believe anything he said?

Sean hadn't asked for him yet so he knew Hen didn't go straight to Sean.

'Maybe I should go talk to him again.'

He took off his mask and laid it on the bed, putting his cape on for extra warmth, yawning from his restless night as he finally left his room. It had felt like days. Then again, maybe it felt that way to everyone else in the house. They didn't know he escaped so often to go see the big bad evil Antisepticeye.

'What a joke, really. If Sean's not enforcing it, Anti's like a fucking Teddy at the Build-a-Bear store.' Marvin snorted at himself, just imagining a green teddy with black clothes and fake blood holding a knife, 'Even that wouldn't be scary if it moved'


Marvin rolled his eyes, 'Does Jackie always have to announce his presence when he comes home? He's just asking for questions on where he's been. He's gonna get caught'

Marvin stood straight as he made his way to Henrik's clinic downstairs, the tapping of his heels loud against the wood floors, 'I guess I can't say much . . . my heels practically DEMAND attention. . . . . As they justly deserve'

He went up to the door and knocked, being careful as to not disrupt the doctor if he were doing anything intricate.

"Come in"

Marvin nodded to himself. He had to convince Henrik today. Right now.

Meanwhile, Jackie was on his way to his room when Jameson popped up in front of him.

"Oh hey, James!" Jackie smiled, "Whatcha got there?"

Jameson grinned back and handed him a small plate of cookies, 'I've been baking this morning. I thought you'd want a treat when you came back from Anti's'

Jackie already had the plate in his hand but was about to drop it when he signed that.


Jameson nodded, smiling knowingly now, 'You think I'm so innocent and daft? I've known for a while. It was confusing at first but not so much. I thought maybe he had been controlling you and Marvin but the more I watched the two of you, the more I realized how much happier you both have been. I don't think he's so bad'

Jackie didn't know what to say, "Well . . .uh . .. that makes three of us. Now try convincing Hen and Chase." he chuckled and stuffed a cookie in his mouth. Chocolate chip. His favorite!

"What do you think about it all, James?" Jackie asked him, "He possessed you, Hen and Chase. Does that still bother you?"

Jameson shrugged, 'Not so much. When he possessed me, I could feel a sorrow in him. Sometimes it pays off to be mute, you see. You can see so much more in people when you're not able to talk'

"I see. So you believe Anti's good?"

Jameson looked to be in thought for a moment, as if he were thinking, 'He hasn't hurt you or Marvin. So I'd say he's misunderstood. Why haven't you spoken to Sean about any of it?'

"We can't, James . . . . ." Jackie knew this wouldn't be easy for him to explain to him. How would he react?

Henrik invited Marvin into his clinic, "I see you have no patience"

Marvin snorted, "I was curious . . . . of what your thoughts were?"

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