Out for Ice Cream

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Chase was loafing around over the couch flipping through TV channels. It was only a couple times a week that Sean would let him out to watch what he wanted and help him with editing videos. Chase was the only one Sean allowed that privilege to. Not that the others didn't get that opportunity but Chase loved TV way more than the others. 

Marvin was always busy with warding Sean's house and mind and messing around with new spells and potions. He also had a lovely hobby of creating prank potions and making glitter bombs to make dramatic entrances which effectively annoyed the others to no end.

Henrik was always with reading or practicing something medical. He loved to dissect small things and learn how they worked, trying to become a better doctor even though he was more on his way to becoming a veterinarian. Although, he HAS managed to scrape the others out of close calls before.

Jameson preferred to play around with his puppet show stage and silent films. He loved playing oldies music and playing around with his antique black and white camera, making short family films here and there to brighten everyone's day.

Jackie was always on stand-by to go after Anti if need-be but otherwise he'd be working out. He, astonishingly, was the only one of the group that didn't have many hobbies. It was like he was solely created to go after Anti. Sometimes he wanted to hang out with the others and join in their hobbies just to chill with them but he never seemed to have the time to do so. Sean always either had him tracking Anti, working out to keep in shape or practice his skills.

Don't get it wrong, Jackie wasn't exactly bound to do what Sean wanted . .  . . he just felt like he needed to. 

Anti was a huge threat, after all, right? He NEEDED to keep up in shape in order to stand a chance against him at all.

So anyway, about Chase.

He was practically Sean's daily double if anything. Helping him with his videos, filming or editing or even going out and running errands for him if Sean needed.

It wasn't as if Sean was a monster, making him do these things. Chase actually requested stuff to do. It kept his mind busy. The less time he was left alone with his grim thoughts, the better.

Sean just so happened to walk into Chase chilling about on his couch, "Heh . . ..  you comfortable there?"

Chase only moved his eyes a little, "The laziness is real, bro. I don't even want to move an inch. How do you even get off this couch? It's SO comfortable!"

Sean gave him a look, "Don't you guys have a couch?"

Chase snorted, "Yeah but it's shit compared to this one."

"You can always have Marvin change it if you like" he came over and sat next to him, "Thanks for the idea of a backup like that, by the way. Saved me a lot of time"

"Marvin says that kind of stuff is a waste of his talents. And no probs, dude. I figured since Anti just LOVES to mess with your videos, it was time to make some secret arrangements."

"Until he figures it out. Then what?"

Chase shrugged, still flipping through channels, "Hide the files elsewhere then. I don't know, dude"

"Fat lot of help you are" Sean chuckled, "Nothing on TV?"

"Nah . . . just bored as all hell is all.  . . . . So Jackie said Anti got away yesterday again. Actually said Anti didn't even say a word to him. He was just trying to run. What you make of that?"

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