The Old Switch-a-roo!

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Sean and Evelien were relieved to get BB back. So relieved that they didn't even ask questions. Sean seemed to know that Jackie wasn't able to capture Anti so in the end, it all worked out. Sean just let Jackie return in his head without asking a single thing. Although Evelien WAS curious as to why BB smelt of Salmon and wasn't all that hungry that night.

No one else was really bothered with how Jackie came back. No one except for Chase and Marvin. 

Chase was curious and worried about Jackie's encounter with the villain but Jackie wouldn't even say much. That's how he knew something was off. Usually Jackie would be ranting all about their fight or rather . . . Jackie chasing him and Anti running away. 

'What happened? Did something happen like how I ran into Anti the other day? It sure was weird . . . .'

But Chase didn't want to bring it up right now. He was worried he'd sound sympathetic towards Anti.

And he was the last person who should feel that way.

Meanwhile Marvin was curious for other reasons. He was in his room working on a potion, deep in thought about today's recent events.

'Anti was able to  sneak right by my wards AGAIN. But how? Surely I didn't miss any points? Anti's clever but surely not THAT clever? Then again . . . he HAS thwarted Sean more than enough times as it is'

The magician smirked, 'I must admit, it IS sort of entertaining to watch him get flustered when nobody's getting hurt. Since Jackie refuses to talk about their little scuffle, perhaps I should talk to BB about it?'

Yes, that DID sound like a good idea, didn't it?

Suddenly there was a knock on his door and Marvin almost put too much explosive powder in the pot, "Damn. Coming!" he flicked his wrist, making the door open of its own accord.

Jackie was at the door with an unimpressed look on his face, "You know saying you're 'coming' to get the door usually implies that you physically come to open the door YOURSELF, Marv"

"Eh" Marvin just shrugged, "What do you need? I am pretty busy, you see"

"So I see" he snorted, "Please don't tell me you're making another diarrhea potion-"

". . . then I just won't tell you, will I?"

Jackie sighed in exasperation, "Anyway . . . So one of the walkie talkies got smashed today. Was wondering if you could make me another?"

Marvin gasped, "Uh! Jackie! I told you to be careful with those!" he rolled his eyes, "But of course I have another." he made another appear in the palm of his hand, "I usually have backups for you anyway. How'd the other get smashed?"

"Oh uh . . . . fell out of my  .. pocket?"

"You're a shit liar, you know that?" Marvin teased him.

Jackie just snorted, "Aaaaand~ . . . you're shit at card tricks but I never call you out on it"


The hero just shrugged.

Marvin scoffed, "Hmph. . . Fine. Don't tell me, then. Did you at least recover the tracker or any parts from it? I could reuse them to-nevermind, I'll just conjure them back myself and-"

"NO!" Jackie shouted, effectively halted Marvin from doing so. The hero realized he may have messed up already, "I mean . . . don't worry about it. Not like we can't afford more of the parts. It's smashed all to hell anyway, Marv. Unsalvageable."

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