The Family's . . . All Together?

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It was awkward at first. 

Even just talking to Sean normally was weird for Anti.

He still harbored a lot of distrust for him but Anti really wasn't one for holding a grudge forever. He still cared for his creator. He just always wanted his family to be happy.

Sean first, however, had to get past Anti's entourage.

Namely Jackie and Marvin were the worst for protecting him. After getting his soul back, Anti was a lot noticeably happier but that didn't mean THEY trusted Sean completely, either. 

Henrik and Jameson were pretty neutral as long as their personal business wasn't bothered but Chase was TRYING to be neutral.

On one end, he was happy they all made amends somewhat. However, on the other, he was still furious with Sean. He seemed to be the only one that wasn't truly happy. Everyone seemed to be doing great with their lives  and Anti got his soul back and they all had started their own futures and such.

But Chase was different. He really didn't have much of a future. Sure, he liked doing the vlogs with James . .. . . . but he missed his family.

The family that Sean took away from him.

Yeah, if anyone, Chase still held a grudge for his creator.

But they were all trying for Anti's sake.

They were at the bar by Anti's apartment. Together. Because no way in hell were they going to let Anti be alone with Sean yet.

They all sat together in a booth and had ordered some food for dinner. Of course Sean was paying, why wouldn't he? 

"I'm sure he's good for it. Let's trap him into it" Marvin had said before they left.

And of course it was Marvin that started ordering tons of appetizers but the others were just as bad. But Sean wasn't mad about it. He knew tonight would make a dent in his pockets and he was prepared for it. Plus he knew they all loved to eat.

But he DID underestimate Jackie and Anti's stomachs together. Especially when they started to make it a competition.

Once again, though, Sean didn't mind. They were all smiling and having fun. Except for one ego who seemed to be trying to burn a hole through his head. Chase was still upset with him. He hoped they would eventually be okay, though.

"So . ..  your birthday's coming up soon, Sam" Sean commented, "What do you want for your birthday?"

Anti stopped eating and swallowed down what food he had in his mouth, "Uh . . . I  . .. I don't know. Never had any birthday presents before. Don't need 'em. And just call me Anti. It's who I am now, after all"

"Right. . ." Sean  nodded, "Well I guess we'll just have to change that. The birthday thing, that is"

Anti just shrugged and went back to eating. He didn't really know what to say to Sean.

Duke came over with a platter of drinks and laughed, "Didn't think ya had so much family let alone knew so many people, Andy! And Chase! I didn't think I'd see YOU around anyone!"

Chase nodded, "Yeah, we all just got to together again.  . . .  it's been awhile"

"Well anyway, here's a batch on me, kid! The next round, though, you're paying. Got it?"

They all pointed to Sean, "HE'S PAYING!"

Sean just chuckled, "Can you make a tab for me? Seems we'll be here a while anyway"

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