From Now On . . .

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I had the song on repeat while thinking about this chapter and writing about it for the last few weeks. I thought it really fit well for what's going on . You guys will know when I thought about it in certain points so  . . .. Enjoy! :)

"Uh . .. . hey guys" Sean sheepishly peeped inside.

Marvin readied to throw a curse at him, "GET OUT!"

Chase stood in front of Sean, "Whoa! Whoa! Hold on, Marv! At least just hear him out!"

"I fucking knew we shouldn't have let you go" Jackie seethed, "You always WERE up his ass but THIS!? Are you fucking serious, Chase?! Did you already forget what-"

"He's our only shot, guys!" Chase shouted back at them, "Look, I don't like it, either! But love it or hate it, Anti needs all the help he can get and if your enemy is our last opportunity, then so be it! At least he'll have a CHANCE!"

They looked ready to argue but Henrik butt in, "He DOES have a point"

Jackie looked back down at Anti. His breathing was fading drastically and if they didn't do something quick . . ..  

They were running out of time and arguing amongst each other wasn't doing any good.

Anti wasn't awake but he could just FEEL something was wrong. Or at least, there was a disturbance in the air.

Feeling as heavy as he did, he didn't exactly care either way. But he DID worry for his family.

'Am I . . . dying?' it's not like he hadn't been through this before, 'At least I know what it feels like. Death can't surprise me anymore'

But also as heavy as he felt, there was something else. A stronger presence. Something warm surrounding him that didn't belong to him but he recognized it.

'No . . . what does HE want? Is that really him?' but even if he wanted to, he couldn't wake up. He was anchored down in this scape and there was nothing he could do to break out of it himself.

He was finally just a floating memory. . . .

Sean looked over all of them.

Really looked at them.

He couldn't remember a time when they all stood together like this. All sharing concern over the same thing with such protectiveness, too.

It made him smile.

"The fuck you smiling for?" Marvin hissed at him, "It's all because of YOU, Anti's in this condition!"

Sean frowned again at those words, "I know . . . .but I'm here to fix it all now"

'What do you mean by that?' Jameson asked and seemed hopeful, 'Can you really heal him?'

"I wouldn't get too excited about it" Jackie told him and glared daggers towards Sean, "Sean's all about keeping secrets. Who's to say he wouldn't just do something else to Anti to make him his loyal little puppet again?"

"You . ..  you don't have to trust me" Sean slumped, "But . . . but I know now what I did was wrong. I should have known it a long time ago. I'm a monster for what I did. For not seeing the truth when it was right in front of me. For destroying your lives. Manipulating you all. . . . . I'm a downright git"

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